parseWith is a higher order function that takes a conversion
method for one value as input and returns a preProcess hook function that takes arbitrary number of keys as argument and
then goes deep in params
, changing the value of each key to it's parsed value.
A key is either a string or an object mapping one string to another (parsed value would be assigned to keyToReplace
keys specified as {'keyToFind': 'keyToReplace'}).
var parseWith = require('koa-neo4j/preprocess').parseWith;
var neo4jInt = require('koa-neo4j/preprocess').neo4jInt;
var parseMilitaryHour = parseWith(function(hourString) {
return neo4jInt(/^([01]\d|2[0-3]):?([0-5]\d)$/.exec(hourString)[0]);
// ...
preProcess: [
parseIds('soldier_id', 'commander_id'),
{'present_time': 'present_hour'},
{'absent_time': 'absent_hour'}
// ...
// ...
built-in parse*
methods are all derivatives of parseWith
Equivalent of parseNeo4jInts
, renamed to be idiomatic.
Neo4j integer type is 64 bits and hence inconsistent with JavaScript's 53 bits integer type. This hook function parses a string or a JS integer into integer type consistent with neo4j.
Cypher only works with integers of type Neo4j integer.
Converts a UnixTime string or integer to a Neo4jInt, making it ready for Cypher to work with.
Converts a string or UnixTime into a JavaScript Date
Parses keys as JavaScript integer values.
Parses keys as JavaScript float values.