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File metadata and controls

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JavaScript Framework Shootout

Library vs. Framework


  • A set of tools to reduce overhead and improve application consistency by providing reusable pieces of code.
  • A library provides useful tools for a specific purpose (functions, helper libs) so you can build your app your way.


  • A more opinionated set of tools to reduce overhead and improve application consistency by providing reusable pieces of code.
  • Inversion of control. Frameworks specify how you should write your app.

Single page applications



  • MVC, MVVM, MVP, MVW, MOVE all follow MV*
  • Quite a few different patterns being used in client side JS.
  • Most are based off of MVC in some fashion.
  • They are all really based on the Observer Pattern.

Client side MVC

Separates the representation of information from the user's interaction with it MVC overview

  • Controller: Updates both, view and model according to user interaction
  • Model: The data/domain model
  • View: Creates a representation of the model

Client side MVVM

  • Model: The data/domain model
  • View: The view and view logic (buttons, templates, UI events)
  • View Model: Converting model data to view data and back (data-binding)

MVVM overview

Client side MVP

  • Model: The data/domain model
  • View: The view (buttons, templates, routes UI events to presenter)
  • Presenter: The middle-man between the view and the model (logic goes here!)

MVP overview

The same Todo application implemented using MV* concepts in most of the popular JavaScript MV* frameworks of today. TodoMVC

  • Backbone
  • Ember
  • AngularJS
  • Spine
  • KnockoutJS
  • DOJO
  • ...


A client side MVC style framework to structure JavaScript applications, created by Jeremy Ashkenas and maintained by Document Cloud:

  • Backbone.Model - Contains interactive data and the logic connected to it
  • Backbone.Collection - An ordered set of models providing list events and methods
  • Backbone.Router - Provides linkable and bookmarkable URLs
  • Backbone.View - Combines controllers and view

BackboneJS - Photo gallery I

var Photo = Backbone.Model.extend({

    // Default attributes for the photo
    defaults: {
      // Ensure that each photo created has an `src`.
      src: "placeholder.jpg",
      caption: "A default image",
      viewed: false

    initialize: function() {


BackboneJS - Photo gallery II

var PhotoGallery = Backbone.Collection.extend({

    // Reference to this collection's model.
    model: Photo,

    // Filter down the list of all photos that have been viewed
    viewed: function() {
      return this.filter(function(photo){ return photo.get('viewed'); });

    // Filter down the list to only photos that have not yet been viewed
    unviewed: function() {
      return this.without.apply(this, this.viewed());



One of the first client side JavaScript MVC frameworks first released in 2008.

Provides full application stack with dependency manager, MVC framework (formerly jQueryMX), functional testing library and documentation engine:

  • CanJS - Client side MVC framework
  • jQuery++ - Useful DOM helpers and special events for jQuery
  • StealJS - JavaScript file dependency manager
  • Funcunit - A QUnit and jQuery based functional testing library
  • DocumentJS - A JavaScript documentation engine

Client side MVC framework for building rich web applications. Supports jQuery, Zepto, Mootools, Dojo, YUI.

  • can.Construct - inheritable constructor functions
  • can.Observe - observable objects
  • can.Model - observes connected to a RESTful JSON interface
  • can.view - template loading, caching, rendering
  • can.EJS - live binding templates
  • can.Control - declarative event bindings
  • can.route - back button and bookmarking support

CanJS - View

Views are defined as live binding Embedded JavaScript (EJS):

<script type="text/ejs" id="todos">
  <% for( var i = 0; i < this.length; i++ ) { %>
    <li><%= this[ i ].name %></li>
  <% } %>

CanJS - Model

var Todo = can.Model({
  findAll : 'GET /todos',
  findOne : 'GET /todos/{id}',
  create  : 'POST /todos',
  update  : 'PUT /todos/{id}',
  destroy : 'DELETE /todos/{id}'
}, {});

var model = new Todo({ name : 'Do dishes' });
model.attr('name', 'Do something else');

CanJS - Control

var Control = can.Control({
	'button click' : function() {
		document.findElementById('mydiv').innerHtml =
      can.view(this.options.view, {
        todos : Todo.findAll()

new Control('#element', {
  view : 'todos'

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