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Plugin Development

Zack Young edited this page Oct 26, 2016 · 3 revisions


Plugin for ELaunch is a simple npm package, but exports an object with specific methods below

This is useful is you need to watch something like clipboard. Parameters see setConfig below.

init() [optional]

init(pluginConfig, globalConfig, context)

This method would be called this first time you triggered this plugin by command, or on ELaunch start if the plugin config has initOnStart field set true.

  • pluginConfig is the config merged command config and plugin config in config file
  • globalConfig is the config file plus some useful tool:
globalConfig = {
  dataPath: '~/.ELaunch',
  userConfigFile: '~/.ELaunch/config.js',
    //(func) deeply merge properties in objects, notice it won't merge array
  debug:, //(bool) whether it's running in debug mode
  context: { //(object)
    mainWindow: mainWindow, //the BrowserWindow contains the input box, this could be used to inject js/css to mainWindow, please be careful!!
    notifier: {//notifier is a wrapper for notification runs in both main process and renderer process, it has only one method is `notify(title, options)`, please see [html5 notification](
      notify(title, opts){

context = globalConfig.context


exec(args, event, cmdInfo)

  • args(array): the command args array that not including command key
  • event: event.sender.send() , please see electron docs
  • cmdInfo(object): raw object of command
cmdInfo = {
  key: key,
  script: path.resolve(config.dataPath, plugin.script),
  args: args,
  config: plugin.config || {}


let items = [{
  name: 'HAHA',
  icon: `${__dirname}/assets/shell.png`,
  value: args.join(' '),// for item.value in execItem, mostly is `args.join(' ')`
  detail: '',
  opts: [{name: 'exec',label: 'Exec'}],//option buttons for item.opt , the first is default
  custom_view: ''// custom html to show in the item list
event.sender.send('exec-reply', items)


execItem(item, event)

  • item(object):
item = {
    value: '',//the value of item
    opt: ''//the name of option in item, this could be undefined if no opts in reply of exec method
  • event: like event in exec


event.sender.send('exec-item-reply')//this would cause the mainWindow to hide


You can see more demos in built-in plugins

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