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Add multilingual support to your laravel eloquent models in a breeze


Step 1: Install package

Executing the following command to add the package in your composer.json

composer require zai/laravel-eloquent-multilingualization

For laravel 5.4, add the service provider to app/config/app.php


For laravel 5.5, because of package auto-discovery, there is no need to add service provider to app/config/app.php

Step 2: Migration

Executing the following commands to add translations table. Only one table is needed for translating any Eloquent models

php artisan translations:table

php artisan migrate


Use Translatable trait in the model you want to translate

Let's say the model is called Article. In the Article model

use Zai\Translate\Translatable;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class Article extends Model
    use Translatable;

Define translatables property in the model

Take the same Article model as example. We want to translate title and body of an article

protected $translatables = [

Add Translation

Using method: addTranslation. It takes an associative array as parameter. Simply put the translation data in the array, including which language it is using key locale.

// create a new article
$article = Article::create([
    'title' => 'Hello',
    'body' => 'laravel is awesome!'

// add translation to the article
    'locale' => 'fr',
    'title' => 'Bonjour',
    'body' => 'laravel est génial!'

The method only adds keys that exist in the translatables property of the model. Any other keys will be ignored. If a key in the translatables property is missing in the parameter. It will still be inserted, but the value will become empty string.

If you submit the translation data in the form. In your ArticleTranslationsController, simply using

public function store(Article $article)

Remember to include locale input filed in your form, so it can be posted in the request. If addTranslation method is applied to an existing translation, it will update the existing translation with values in the parameter.

Display translation

Using translation attribute provided by the trait, e.g, $article->translation->title. It will return correct translation based on what the current locale is (the value returned by App::getLocale())

For default locale or if the translation of a locale is missing, it will return the values in the model.

// create a new title
$article = Article::create([
    'title' => 'Hello',
    'body' => 'laravel is awesome!'

// for default locale, or no translations existing
$article->translation->title; // the output is Hello
$article->translation->body;  // the out is laravel is awesome!

// after adding translation
    'locale' => 'fr',
    'title' => 'Bonjour',
    'body' => 'laravel est génial!'

// set the locale to fr

$article->translation->title; // the output is Bonjour
$article->translation->body;  // the out is laravel est génial!

// for a no existing locale

$article->translation->title; // the output is Hello
$article->translation->body;  // the out is laravel is awesome!

Update translation

Using method: updateTranslation. It takes an associative array as parameter. Simply put the updated translation data in the array, including which language it is.

// add translation to the article
    'locale' => 'fr',
    'title' => 'updated title',
    'body' => 'updated body content here'

If you update the translation using form, in your ArticleTranslationsController

public function update(Article $article)

If you update to a translation which doesn't exist, it will insert a new translation.

Delete a translation

Using method deleteTranslation. It takes a string which specifies which language of the translation you want to delete as parameter.


Delete all translations

Using method deleteTranslations which takes no parmaters


Check translations exist

Using method hasTranslations which takes no paramters. The method returns boolean to indicate if the record has translations or not.


Check translation of a locale exists

Using method hasTranslation. It takes a string as parameter which specifies the locale you are checking. The method returns boolean to indicate if the translation of a specific locale exists or not.


Prevent N+1 problem

To prevent N+1 problem, eager load translations in your model

class Article extends Model
    use Translatable;

    protected $with = ['translations'];

    protected $translatables = [

Appending Values To JSON

Add the attribute translation to the appends property on the model

class Article extends Model
    use Translatable;

    protected $with = ['translations'];

    protected $appends = ['translation'];

    protected $translatables = [


Add multilingual support to laravel eloquent models







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