binary, hex, ...: how to handle negative case
hash table, list, min, max problems: duplicates! 414
Anytime, look up nearest sth. think of binary-search!!! 475, random sample
Stack in python: implemented by list
- 238
- 456
- 378 (generally with a heap)
- 371
- 332: Euler graph
- 260
- 264
- 309: insight of two dp record keeping
- 240: search order
- 287
- 400
- 442
- 456: 132 pattern
- 230: in-order traversal must record visited! otherwise, a while loop to push all left inside while; then, only push right in the outer loop
- 310: think carefully about the optimim solution
- 437
- 220, 274: idea of bucket-sort
- 447
- 179, 459
- 496, 173
- 208
- 223
- 535
- 284: iterator
- 380: random set with O(1) insert, delete and get_random
- 398 reservoir sampling
- 391: perfect square (think from corner points)
- 587: convex hull algorithm