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132 lines (101 loc) · 4.59 KB

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132 lines (101 loc) · 4.59 KB

Contributing to gitmoji

We welcomes contribution from everyone in the form of suggestions, bug reports, pull requests, and feedback. This document gives some guidance if you are thinking of helping us.

Submitting bug reports and feature requests

You can create issues here. When reporting a bug or asking for help, please include enough details so that the people helping you can reproduce the behavior you are seeing.

When making a feature request, please make it clear what problem you intend to solve with the feature, any ideas for how the crate in question could support solving that problem, any possible alternatives, and any disadvantages.

Submitting Pull Requests

Same rules apply here as for bug reports and feature requests. Plus:

  • We prefer atomic commits. Please read this excellent blog post for more information, including the rationale.
  • Please try your best to follow these guidelines for commit messages.
  • Add details to each commit about the changes it contains. PR description is for summarizing the overall changes in the PR, while commit logs are for describing the specific changes of the commit in question.
  • When addressesing review comments, fix the existing commits in the PR (rather than adding additional commits) and force push (as in git push -f) to your branch. You may find git-absorb and git-revise extremely useful, especially if you're not very familiar with interactive rebasing and modifying commits in git.

Legal Notice

When contributing to this project, you implicitly declare that you:

  • have authored 100% of the content.
  • have the necessary rights to the content.
  • agree to providing the content under the project's license.

Running the test suite

We encourage you to check that the test suite passes locally before submitting a pull request with your changes. If anything does not pass, typically it will be easier to iterate and fix it locally than waiting for the CI servers to run tests for you.

# Run the full test suite, including doc test and compile-tests
cargo test --all-features

Also please ensure that code is formatted correctly by running:

cargo +nightly fmt --all

and clippy doesn't see anything wrong with the code:

cargo clippy -- -D warnings

Please not that there are times when clippy is wrong and you know what you are doing. In such cases, it's acceptable to tell clippy to ignore the specific error or warning in the code.

If you intend to contribute often or think that's very likely, we recommend you setup the following git hooks:

  • Pre-commit hook that goes in the .git/hooks/pre-commit file:

    if ! which rustup &> /dev/null; then
        curl -sSf  | sh -s -- -y
        export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.cargo/bin
        if ! which rustup &> /dev/null; then
            echo "Failed to install rustup"
    if ! rustup component list --toolchain nightly|grep 'rustfmt-preview.*(installed)' &> /dev/null; then
        echo "Installing nightly rustfmt.."
        rustup component add rustfmt-preview --toolchain nightly
        echo "rustfmt installed."
    echo "--Checking style--"
    cargo +nightly fmt --all -- --check
    if test $? != 0; then
        echo "--Checking style fail--"
        echo "Please fix the above issues, either manually or by running: cargo +nightly fmt --all"
        exit -1
        echo "--All very stylish 😎--"
  • Pre-push hook that goes in the .git/hooks/pre-push file:

    if ! which rustup &> /dev/null; then
        curl -sSf  | sh -s -- -y
        export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.cargo/bin
        if ! which rustup &> /dev/null; then
            echo "Failed to install rustup"
    if ! rustup component list --toolchain stable|grep 'clippy.*(installed)' &> /dev/null; then
        echo "Installing clippy.."
        rustup component add clippy
        echo "clippy installed."
    echo "--Analysing code 🔍--"
    cargo clippy -- -D warnings
    if test $? != 0; then
        echo "--Issues with code. See warnings/errors above--"
        exit -1
        echo "--Code looks good 👍--"


We follow the Rust Code of Conduct. For escalation or moderation issues please contact Zeeshan ( instead of the Rust moderation team.