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Releases: zfcampus/zf-apigility-skeleton

Apigility Version 1.0.0beta3

30 Apr 20:53
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This is our third -- and likely last! -- beta release of Apigility! The features in this release are mainly around stabilization.

Deployment and Console

Most of the work we've performed since beta2 was on zf-deploy, our packaging/deployment tool. We made the following changes:

  • First, the tool can now be used both within an application, as well as a
    standalone phar file. When used as a standalone phar
    file, you can now self update it with the self-update command; this will
    check for any new versions, and, if found,
    do an "in-place" update of the tool. (Note: the library we use that provides
    this functionality often emits PHP fatal errors; in practice, however, we've
    noticed that the process works even when such errors are reported.)
  • Second, we were not happy with the argument handling we were using, nor with
    the strong coupling of console argument parsing logic with the logic consuming
    the arguments. We built a small microframework around Zend\Console's
    RouteMatcher subcomponent that provides more flexibility around argument
    handling, and are now shipping this in the module

In addition to these architectural changes, we also implemented two new features in the tool:

  • You can specify a directory with the "local" configuration you want to use in
    the deployment package via the --configs argument.
  • You can specify a directory containing the ZPK skeleton you wish to use when
    creating a ZPK (Zend Server deployment package); this directory should contain
    a deployment.xml and any scripts you will be using.

With these changes, we feel that zf-deploy is ready for inclusion in a stable Apigility release!

Documentation Updates

We've received a number of documentation improvements since beta2, and added a few documents as well.

In particular:

  • An error was spotted in the "HAL for RPC services" recipe that made the code
  • We've documented how to use the Zend Server SDK to deploy ZPK packages.
  • We've added a recipe for adding Apigility modules to an existing Zend
    Framework 2 application.
  • We've added documentation on the new zf-console module.

Beta3 Updates

In addition to the deployment and console tooling, we made the following changes:

  • We updated the SendResponse listener in zf-api-problem to merge in any
    headers set in the application response object before sending the API Problem
    response. This ensures that any previously set headers are also set -- solving
    several issues observed when using third-party modules for Cross Origin
    Resource Sharing (CORS), as well as HTTP authentication.
  • The storage adapters we ship with zf-oauth now both allow you to specify
    configuration via a storage_settings key; this change allows you to specify
    custom tables for both the PDO and Mongo adapters.
  • We've updated the "api.enable" service to ensure it works with current
    versions of Apigility (and no longer raises errors!).
  • We no longer display a resource class in the "Source Code" tab of a service if
    a corresponding class does not exist (e.g., DB-Connected resource classes are
    virtual services).
  • We've added the option to recursively delete the directory for a service to
    the Admin API; the Admin UI now presents a checkbox with this option.
  • We've added the option to delete an entire API. By default, this only removes
    the API's module from application configuration; however, you have the option
    to recursively delete the API module as well (once again presented in the
    Admin UI via a checkbox).
  • We now generate factories for RPC controllers and REST resource classes when
    creating new services. This simplifies the story for dependency injection of
    these classes.


At this time, we feel Apigility has become very stable, and that we have addressed the most pressing usability issues. We anticipate issuing a stable release next week (week of 5 May 2014).

As noted in previous beta announcements, reaching stability is only the first step, however! Features such as "Doctrine-Connected", "Mongo-Connected", and "DB-Autodiscovery" REST services are already either implemented or will be soon, and we will be debuting these in a 1.1 version in the very near future.

Apigility Version 1.0.0beta2

16 Apr 18:04
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The primary goal of the beta phase for the Zend Framework team is documenting
the project. We've made enormous headway at this point, but we'll let you be
the judge of that; visit the documentation yourself!

Among topics covered:

  • A "Getting Started" guide, and a companion, "REST Service Tutorial".
  • An API Primer
  • Chapters on Authentication/Authorization, Content Validation, and the
    Documentation features.
  • A module-by-module reference guide, detailing configuration options.

New Features

While the beta cycle is primarily around stabilizing the API and Admin UI, we
decided one new feature warranted inclusion in version 1: a packaging/deployment
tool, zf-deploy.

This tool allows you to create packages from your Apigility -- or any ZF2
application -- for deployment. Formats supported include zip, tar, tgz, and zpk
(the Zend Server deployment package format). We plan to integrate support for
deploying zpk packages soon as well.

Beta2 Updates

Polishing, polishing, polishing was our mantra for beta2. This included
incorporating user feedback, but also scrutinizing the UI and code for
consistency issues.

UI Updates

Following beta1, we had a number of complaints about UI responsiveness,
particularly around the "Fields" screen. We did some analysis of the UI, and a
lot of work around dynamically loading and unloading DOM in the admin based on
what should be visible. As a result, we were able to significantly improve
responsiveness. There may be more work to do, but early reports indicate that
the changes make the Admin UI usable in situations that previously crashed the

In addition to the performance improvements, we made the following updates:

  • On the "Authorizations" screen for each API, if no authentication is currently
    configured, we display a message to this effect, and link to the
    authentication screen. Unfortunately, in beta1, that link was invalid; we've
    fixed this.
  • The "Fields" tab received a slight overhaul. We noticed that items with
    toggles displayed "Yes/No" terminology, but "On/Off" for the actual form
    input; these now use "Yes/No" verbiage consistently. The "Help" screen could
    not be dismissed with the <Esc> key; it now can. Previously, when hitting
    <Enter> from the "Create New Field" text input, it would raise the "Help"
    screen; it now properly creates the new field. The "Description" field was
    moved to the first option displayed for each field, to promote documentation
    of fields. We also added a "Validation Failure Message" field to allow
    specifying a unified error message on failed validation (vs. one or more per
    validator); we also ensured that "blanking" out the data in this field will
    remove any such message previously set. Finally, filters are now listed before
    validators, to signal the order in which validation operations occur
    (filtering/normalization occurs before validation).
  • The "Source Code" tab was not properly generating links for files; we've fixed
    this in beta2.

Engine Updates

A few improvements were made to the API engine itself:

  • The UnauthorizedListener registered by the zf-apigility module was not
    registering headers set by the zf-mvc-auth module, meaning that the
    WWW-Authenticate header was not propagating. This has been corrected.
  • We modified ZF\ContentNegotiation\JsonModel to check for json_encode()
    errors, and to raise an exception when one is detected. This prevents
    situations where an empty response is returned on inability to serialize to
  • zf-apigility-documentation-swagger was not returning a Content-Type header
    value of application/vnd.swagger+json; it now does.
  • We fixed the bcrypt cost in zf-oauth2 to use the defaults from Zend\Crypt.
  • We updated the OAuth2 database schema in zf-oauth2 to match that of the
    upstream oauth2-server-php package.
  • We now inject the ZF\Rest\ResourceEvent with the current MVC request object;
    you can retrieve it from within your resource class using
    $this->getEvent()->getRequest(). This will give you access to HTTP request
    headers, query string arguments, etc.
  • We no longer allow multiple "self" relational links in zf-hal.
  • When specifying route parameters for a zf-hal metadata map, you can now use
    a PHP callable as the value; zf-hal will invoke that callable with the
    object for which a link is being generated in order to get the value for that
    route parameter. This is particularly useful for deterimining identifiers for
    parent resources.
  • We moved the zf-apiglity-welcome requirement to be a development-only

Apigility Version 1.0.0beta

24 Mar 20:33
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This is the first beta release for Apigility. From this point forward, we will
be keeping backwards compatibility between versions. New features will be
targetted for version 1.1.0, with bugfixes and security fixes targetted for the
upcoming stable release and any subsequent maintenance releases.

New Features

All Apigility modules were updated to use a PSR-4
structure and autoloader. This flattens the packages significantly, and also
allows simplification of the PHPUnit test runner. A PSR-4 variant of the ZF2
StandardAutoloader, ZF\Apigility\Autoloader, was created to provide true
PSR-4 autoloading, including the ability to have underscores (_) in class
names, which has been a common feature request. ZF2 Module classes created for
new API modules now use the new autoloader for loading classes inside the

All modules were added to Travis-CI, giving us continuous integration going

With the release of Zend Framework 2.3.0, we were able to update the ZF2
dependency to remove the -dev stability marker; this also means that packages
should start to be smaller, as we'll be able to use distribution versions of ZF2
going forward instead of git clones.

Additionally, the following features were added:

  • zfcampus/zf-content-validation#8 adds the ability to provide HTTP method-specific input
    filters. This feature is not yet integrated into the Apigility Admin UI, but
    can be configured manually. To do so, add method/input filter service name
    pairs for the given controller service name; if no method-specific input
    filter exists, zf-content-validation will fallback to the input_filter key,
    if defined. As an example:

    'zf-content-validation' => array(
    'Example\V1\Rest\Status\Controller' => array(
    // This is the fallback input filter, and the one the UI
    // can define and manipulate:
    'input_filter' => 'Example\V1\Rest\Status\Validator',
    // This one will be used on POST requests only:
    'POST' => 'Example\V1\Rest\Status\NewStatusValidator',

  • zfcampus/zf-mvc-auth#20
    provides a patch that injects the MvcEvent with a new key,
    ZF\MvcAuth\Identity. You can pull the discovered identity from this event
    parameter now. Additionally, in REST resources, calling $this->getIdentity()
    will retrieve the identity.

  • zfcampus/zf-apigility-admin#124 and
    provide initial input filters for all Apigility Admin API services, as well as
    UI integration for reporting errors. All validation errors are caught and
    reported in a single dialog within the form that raises them.

  • The 'edit settings' screen for REST services now allows editing the entity
    class and collection class names.

  • The 'API Overview' page now links services to their overviews. The service
    description is displayed beneath each service; if not yet defined, a link to
    the 'edit documentation' tab for the service is provided.

  • A new modal will be displayed to users of the Apigility Admin UI if the API
    detects that the filesystem is not writable. The modal details what changes
    need to be made in order for the UI and API to work correctly.

  • zfcampus/zf-oauth2#30 splits
    out initialization of the oauth2-server-php server from the zf-oauth2
    controller, allowing the ability to replace it, write a delegator for it, etc.

Breaking Changes

  • zfcampus/zf-content-validation#10
    changes the key used by the InputFilterAbstractServiceFactory from
    input_filters to input_filter_specs. This is due to the fact that ZF 2.3.0
    introduces an InputFilterManager, which is already consuming the key
    input_filters. Wrapped in this change is the fact that the
    InputFilterAbstractServiceFactory is now registered as an abstract service
    factory with the InputFilterManager, instead of with the application service
    manager instance.

    For those updating their Apigility libraries to 1.0.0beta1, edit your
    module.config.php files to rename the input_filters key to

  • The zf-configuration controller ZF\Configuration\Controller was moved into
    zf-apigility-admin. This URI for the service remains the same, but the
    controller itself has moved. (This change was done to consolidate all Admin
    API controllers in the same module, as well as to reduce the dependencies
    needed in the zf-configuration component.)


  • zfcampus/zf-apigility-admin#115 - Ensures
    that non-SQLite PDO OAuth2 adapters may be provided without error.

  • zfcampus/zf-apigility-admin#117 - Ensure
    that the route_match is passed to the API when saving an RPC service.

  • zfcampus/zf-apigility-admin#118 - Ensure
    that the Content Negotiation selector is passed to the API correctly when
    saving an RPC service.

  • zfcampus/zf-apigility-admin#120 - Remove
    duplicate call to initialize the ServerUrl helper.

  • zfcampus/zf-apigility-admin#122 and
    zfcampus/zf-apigility-admin#123 - Add checks
    for array keys before accessing them when building the documentation graph for
    a given service operation.

  • zfcampus/zf-apigility-admin#126 - Updates
    the admin to pass the X-UA-Compatible meta tag in order to provide Internet
    Explorer compatibility.

  • zfcampus/zf-apigility-admin#132 - Ensures
    that authorization data is fetched each time a new service is created, a
    service is updated, or a service is deleted, ensuring the table reflects the
    current list of available services and HTTP methods.

  • zfcampus/zf-apigility-admin#133 - Updates
    the 'angular-flash' functionality to anchor flash messages to the bottom of
    the window. Additionally, any error flash messages now have a 'close' button,
    requiring user intervention for dismissal.

  • Many fixes were made to the UI to improve performance, remove UI refresh
    errors, provide more consistent color schemes, ensure tabs stay focussed
    between state transitions, etc.

  • The Apigility Admin API was updated to break the authentication service into
    more granular sub-services, one for each type of authentication supported.
    This simplifies validation, and allows for future expansion.

  • Work was done to ensure opcode cache detection is as solid as possible. We now
    properly distinguish between APC and APCu, allowing the latter to be enabled
    when using the Admin API.

  • zf-apigility-documentation was not correctly aggregating RPC documentation;
    this has been fixed.

  • We reviewed the various events triggered to ensure that they were happening in
    the correct order, which we defined as:

    • Authentication
    • HTTP method negotiation (is the method called allowed for the service?)
    • Authorization (is the discovered identity allowed to perform the requested
    • Content Negotiation (determine incoming Content-Type and marshal data from
      request body; determine if Accept and/or Content-Type are valid for the
    • Content Validation

    Several event listener priorities were updated to fit the above requirements.
    A new listener, ZF\Rest\Listener\OptionsListener, was introduced to handle
    HTTP method negotiation for REST services, and is registered at the same
    priority as the RPC OptionsListener (which previously existed).

  • zf-configuration was updated to never write configuration using short-array
    notation; this was done to ensure compatibility of generated configuration
    with PHP 5.3 (as developers may use the admin API via 5.4, but deploy to 5.3).

Apigility Version 0.9.1

01 Mar 18:20
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Fixes two critical issues in authentication/authorization reported against

  • zfcampus/zfoauth2#27
    reported an inability to save OAuth2 adapter details from the Apigility admin
    UI. These are now corrected.
  • A report on the apigility-users mailing

    indicated that authorizations performed against REST entities were not working
    correctly. This was due to an incomplete change from "resource" to "entity"
    (as noted in the 0.9.0 release notes); the situation is now corrected.

Apigility Version 0.9.0

28 Feb 22:35
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Adds ability to provide API documentation, completing planned features for the
1.0 stable release.

  • Changes minimum supported PHP version to 5.3.23, in line with the upcoming
    ZF 2.3.0. We still recommend 5.4.8 for serving the admin user interface.

  • New modules, zf-apigility-documentation and
    providing documentation visualizations of APIs created with Apigility. The
    base module provides both JSON and HTML visualizations via the URI
    /apigility/documentation, based on the Accept header value present.
    zf-apigility-documentation-swagger provides an additional JSON visualization
    for the mediatype application/vnd.swagger+json, for seeding a Swagger
    installation; additionally, it
    provides the Swagger UI via /apigility/swagger.

    zf-apigility-documentation is enabled by default in zf-apigility-skeleton;
    zf-apigility-documentation-swagger is an opt-in module.

  • The /admin and /welcome routes are now removed! The admin UI now uses
    /apigility/ui, and the welcome screen uses /apigility/welcome. New routes
    for documentation are also available, as detailed above.

  • A new module was created for Apigility-specific interfaces,
    The primary use case is for composition in modules that may or may not be
    consumed by Apigility (e.g., a general-purpose module that could be composed
    into many projects). The only interface currently is
    ZF\Apigility\Provider\ApigilityProviderInterface, which replaces
    Zend\Apigility\ApigilityModuleInterface (and thus prevents the necessity of
    installing all Apigility modules just to implement the interface!).

  • A new module was introduced for handling development mode,
    this is a fork of NFDevelopmentMode,
    which was based off the equivalent functionality in zf-apigility-skeleton's
    Application module. We removed the functionality from the skeleton, and
    added a dependency on the new module.

  • zf-apigility-skeleton's layout was updated to match that of the admin UI.

  • zf-apigility-admin received numerous updates:

    • Ability to add documentation of services, fields, and operations.
    • Ability to use MongoDB when configuring an
      OAuth2 authentication adapter.
    • Ability to inspect, add, configure, and delete zf-content-negotiation
    • Links to HTML documentation of APIs managed by the Apigility instance
      (more on this below).
    • Ability to create and manipulate filter chains for each field in a
    • (Limited) detection of whether or not an opcode cache is enabled; if
      detected, a modal dialog will be presented to the end-user detailing how
      to disable it.
    • Completely overhauled and refactored admin UI application to ease
      maintenance and feature additions. The admin UI now uses
      Bower for managing UI asset dependencies, and
      Grunt for building the UI distribution. We have
      dropped ng-route for the angular-ui
      , providing us with
      more flexibility in UI implementation and layout. All services,
      controllers, and directives have been moved into their own files.
    • Countless UI/UX improvements.
  • zf-apigility-welcome has been updated to use the Apigility "Rocket ElePHPant"
    logo for the splash screen, and to provide buttons to the HTML and Swagger
    documentation, if the appropriate modules are available.

  • zf-rest and zf-rpc now each store a service_name key in the configuration
    for each service.
    While efforts have been made to ensure existing
    configuration still works, we recommend adding this key to each service. The
    value should be the short name representation for the service, usually the
    name you provided when creating the service.

  • All repositories have been updated to make a clean distinction between the
    terms "Entity", "Collection", and "Resource".
    An "Entity" is anything
    addressable via a URI containing a unique identifier. A "Collection" is any
    URI that returns a set of entities. A "Resource" refers to a URI that may
    return collections and/or entities. As such, we have several BC breaks:

    • The event renderResource is now renderEntity.
    • The event renderCollection.resource is now renderCollection.entity.
    • ZF\Hal\Resource was renamed to ZF\Hal\Entity.
    • The subkey resource in the zf-mvc-auth configuration is now entity.
    • The subkey resource_http_methods in zf-rest is now
    • The subkey resource_class in zf-rest is now entity_class.
    • The subkey resource_identifier_name in zf-rest is now
      entity_identifier_name. (This change only affects those who have been
      using latest master, but have not updated since late-January 2014.)
    • The subkey identifier_name in zf-apigility db-connected configuration
      is now entity_identifier_name;
  • zf-hal now properly differentiates between the identifier used in the route
    definition, and the identifier used for the entity; this allows you to use one
    value on the uri -- e.g., status_id -- and another in your entity class --
    e.g., id. zf-hal will fallback to the route_identifier_name if no
    entity_identifier_name is present.

  • zf-apigility, when detecting an input filter is present, will pull values from
    the input filter, and not use any other values even if provided in the
    request. This prevents SQL errors due to unknown columns.

    Additionally, zf-apigility's assets were updated, and a Grunt + Bower
    toolchain provided for keeping them up-to-date.

  • zf-rest, when detecting an input filter is present for the current request,
    will inject it into the ResourceEvent, allowing developers to retrieve it
    via $this->getEvent()->getInputFilter().

    Additionally, support for patchList was added to the

  • zf-api-problem was updated to match Problem
    API draft 5
    This has changed the internal structure and JSON representation of problem
    results. If you were manipulating ApiProblem objects directly previously,
    you may need to alter your code.


20 Dec 21:52
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0.8.0 Pre-release

Adds content validation support.

  • Ups minimum supported PHP version to 5.4.8.
  • New module, zf-content-validation, which allows associating ZF2 input filters
    with named controller services, as well as creation of named input filters via
    a ZF2 abstract service factory. For requests with content, if the matched
    controller has an associated input filter, the data is passed to the input
    filter, and an error is returned on validation failure.
    • 422 responses are returned when validation fails.
    • 400 responses are returned when the content contains unrecognized data.
  • Admin UI now adds an "Inputs" tab to each service, allowing the user to create
    and edit inputs for the service, as well as associate validators.
  • Hydrators are now specified via a dropdown, populated from a list of known
    hydrator services in the application.
    • The ArraySerializable hydrator is now specified as the default hydrator for
      REST entity objects.
  • The AbstractResourceListener now correctly pulls any whitelisted query string
    variables and passes them to the fetchAll() method.
  • You may now specify the default version to use when no version is specified
    (previously, hard-coded to use version 1 as the default version).
  • The Admin API will now report an error if you attempt to create a new API and
    a matching module name already exists.
  • All Apigility modules now use "next significant release" notation in their
    composer.json files to ensure the latest stable version or development
    version will be selected (vs only the latest development version).
  • All Apigility modules have been updated to ensure they are compatible with
    Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) requests.
  • Tables used with DB-Connected REST resources can now contain underscores in
    their names.
  • Content negotiation now detects JSON decoding errors and raises an exception
    when detected.
  • Composed ZF\Hal\Link\Link properties in objects rendered as HAl will be
    rendered as relational links.
  • The collection name of a HAL collection can now be specified in HAL metadata
  • OAuth2 support has been improved to allow better integration between ZF2 and
    oauth2-server-php request objects, and to allow the password grant type.


15 Nov 22:58
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0.7.0 Pre-release

Release binaries that include all dependencies, and with development mode enabled.


11 Oct 01:02
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0.6.0 Pre-release
Initial public release