In this example, tokio is chosen as the runtime. The system contains four components:
- A Tide server component
- A Gotham Server component
- DB pool
- A simple tide controller
mockall is used to demonstrate how to unit test a single component, see
Start a testing DB container: docker run -it --rm -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres postgres:10-alpinee
Run example: cargo run -p examples --example basic
You'll see:
System starting up...
Starting DB connection...
Starting TideServer...
Starting Gotham Server...
System started.
And then press Ctrl-C, you will see:
^CSystem shutting down...
Shutting Gotham server...
Gotham server gracefully shutted down...
Shutting down TideServer...
TideServer gracefully shutted down...
Shutting down DB connections...
System shutted down.