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242 lines (193 loc) · 8.96 KB

File metadata and controls

242 lines (193 loc) · 8.96 KB


#include <jsoncons/json_reader.hpp>

    class CharT,
    class Source=jsoncons::stream_source<CharT>,
    class TempAllocator=std::allocator<char>
class basic_json_reader 

basic_json_reader uses the incremental parser basic_json_parser to read arbitrarily large files in chunks. A basic_json_reader can read a sequence of JSON texts from a stream, using read_next(), which omits the check for unconsumed non-whitespace characters.

basic_json_reader is noncopyable and nonmoveable.

A number of specializations for common character types are defined:

Type Definition
json_string_reader basic_json_reader<char,string_source<char>> (since 0.164.0)
wjson_string_reader basic_json_reader<wchar_t,string_source<wchar_t>> (since 0.164.0)
json_stream_reader basic_json_reader<char,stream_source<char>> (since 0.164.0)
wjson_stream_reader basic_json_reader<wchar_t,stream_source<wchar_t>> (since 0.164.0)
json_reader Constructible from either a string or stream (deprecated since 0.164.0)
wjson_reader Constructible from either a wide character string or stream (deprecated since 0.164.0)

Member types

Type Definition
char_type CharT
source_type Source


template <class Sourceable>
explicit basic_json_reader(Sourceable&& source, 
                           const TempAllocator& alloc = TempAllocator()); (1)

template <class Sourceable>
basic_json_reader(Sourceable&& source, 
                  const basic_json_options<CharT>& options, 
                  const TempAllocator& alloc = TempAllocator()); (2)

template <class Sourceable>
basic_json_reader(Sourceable&& source,
                  std::function<bool(json_errc,const ser_context&)> err_handler, 
                  const TempAllocator& alloc = TempAllocator()); (3)

template <class Sourceable>
basic_json_reader(Sourceable&& source, 
                  const basic_json_options<CharT>& options,
                  std::function<bool(json_errc,const ser_context&)> err_handler, 
                  const TempAllocator& alloc = TempAllocator()); (4)

template <class Sourceable>
basic_json_reader(Sourceable&& source, 
                  basic_json_visitor<CharT>& visitor, 
                  const TempAllocator& alloc = TempAllocator()); (5)

template <class Sourceable>
basic_json_reader(Sourceable&& source, 
                  basic_json_visitor<CharT>& visitor,
                  const basic_json_options<CharT>& options, 
                  const TempAllocator& alloc = TempAllocator()); (6)

template <class Sourceable>
basic_json_reader(Sourceable&& source,
                  basic_json_visitor<CharT>& visitor,
                  std::function<bool(json_errc,const ser_context&)> err_handler, 
                  const TempAllocator& alloc = TempAllocator()); (7)

template <class Sourceable>
basic_json_reader(Sourceable&& source,
                  basic_json_visitor<CharT>& visitor, 
                  const basic_json_options<CharT>& options,
                  std::function<bool(json_errc,const ser_context&)> err_handler, 
                  const TempAllocator& alloc = TempAllocator()); (8)

Constructors (1)-(4) use a default basic_json_visitor that discards the JSON parse events, and are for validation only.

(1) Constructs a basic_json_reader that reads from a character sequence or stream source, uses default options and a default parse_error_handler.

(2) Constructs a basic_json_reader that reads from a character sequence or stream source, uses the specified options and a default parse_error_handler.

(3) Constructs a basic_json_reader that reads from a character sequence or stream source, uses default options and a specified parse_error_handler.

(4) Constructs a basic_json_reader that reads from a character sequence or stream source, uses the specified options and a specified parse_error_handler.

Constructors (5)-(8) take a user supplied basic_json_visitor that receives JSON parse events, such as a json_decoder.

(5) Constructs a basic_json_reader that reads from a character sequence or stream source, emits JSON parse events to the specified basic_json_visitor, and uses default options and a default parse_error_handler.

(6) Constructs a basic_json_reader that reads from a character sequence or stream source, emits JSON parse events to the specified basic_json_visitor and uses the specified options and a default parse_error_handler.

(7) Constructs a basic_json_reader that reads from a character sequence or stream source, emits JSON parse events to the specified basic_json_visitor and uses default options and a specified parse_error_handler.

(8) Constructs a basic_json_reader that reads from a character sequence or stream source, emits JSON parse events to the specified basic_json_visitor and uses the specified options and a specified parse_error_handler.

Note: It is the programmer's responsibility to ensure that basic_json_reader does not outlive any source or visitor passed in the constuctor, as basic_json_reader holds pointers to but does not own these resources.


source - a value from which a source_type is constructible.

Member functions

bool eof() const

Returns true when there are no more JSON texts to be read from the stream, false otherwise

void read(); (1)
void read(std::error_code& ec); (2)

Reads the next JSON text from the stream and reports JSON events to a basic_json_visitor, such as a json_decoder. Override (1) throws if parsing fails, or there are any unconsumed non-whitespace characters left in the input. Override (2) sets ec to a json_errc if parsing fails or if there are any unconsumed non-whitespace characters left in the input.

void read_next()
void read_next(std::error_code& ec)

Reads the next JSON text from the stream and reports JSON events to a basic_json_visitor, such as a json_decoder. Override (1) throws ser_error if parsing fails. Override (2) sets ec to a json_errc if parsing fails.

void check_done(); (1)
void check_done(std::error_code& ec); (2)

Override (1) throws if there are any unconsumed non-whitespace characters in the input. Override (2) sets ec to a json_errc if there are any unconsumed non-whitespace characters left in the input.

std::size_t line() const

std::size_t column() const


Parsing JSON text with exceptions

std::string input = R"({"field1"{}})";    

json_decoder<json> decoder;
json_string_reader reader(input,decoder);

    json j = decoder.get_result();
catch (const ser_error& e)
    std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;


Expected name separator ':' at line 1 and column 10

Parsing JSON text with error codes

std::string input = R"({"field1":ru})";    
std::istringstream is(input);

json_decoder<json> decoder;
json_stream_reader reader(is,decoder);

std::error_code ec;;

if (!ec)
    json j = decoder.get_result();   
    std::cerr << ec.message() 
              << " at line " << reader.line() 
              << " and column " << reader.column() << std::endl;


Expected value at line 1 and column 11

Reading a sequence of JSON texts from a stream

jsoncons supports reading a sequence of JSON texts, such as shown below (json-texts.json):


This is the code that reads them:

std::ifstream is("json-texts.json");
if (!is.is_open())
    throw std::runtime_error("Cannot open file");

json_decoder<json> decoder;
json_stream_reader reader(is,decoder);

while (!reader.eof())
    if (!reader.eof())
        json j = decoder.get_result();
        std::cout << j << std::endl;

