- o!ar
- o!bpm
- o!cs
- o!flowaboat
- o!freeSteam
- o!hello
- o!help
- o!hp
- o!ign-set
- o!math
- o!od
- o!osu
- o!recent
- o!saylol
- o!schedule
- o!set-muda
- o!statme
- o!statrole
- o!top
Calculate Approach Rate values and milliseconds with mods applied.
Required variables: 1
Usage: o!ar <ar> [+mods]
o!ar 8 +DT
Returns AR of AR8 with DT applied.
o!ar 6.4 +EZ
Returns AR of AR6.4 with EZ applied.
Plot a graph of the bpm over the course of the song
Required variables: 0
Usage: o!bpm [map link] [+mods]
o!bpm +DT
Returns BPM graph for the last beatmap with Double time.
o!bpm https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/545156#osu/1262906
Returns a BPM chart for Loose Change [Rohit's Insane].
Calculate Circle Size value with mods applied.
Required variables: 1
Usage: o!cs <cs> [+mods]
o!cs 6 +HR
Returns CS of AR8 with HR applied.
o!cs 8.3 +EZ
Returns CS of AR8.3 with EZ applied.
Show information about this bot.
Required variables: 0
Usage: o!flowaboat
Tells you about flowaboat.
Notify of free steam games
Required variables: 1
Usage: o!freeSteam <pingrole>
o!freeSteam pingrole
Sets the current channel as ping channel.
say hello back
Required variables: 0
Usage: o!hello
hello <@user>
Get help for a command.
List of all commands: https://github.com/zivoy/flowaboat/blob/pythonized/COMMANDS.md
Required variables: 1
Usage: o!help <command>
o!help pp
Returns help on how to use the o!pp
Calculate Health value with mods applied.
Required variables: 1
Usage: o!hp <hp> [+mods]
o!hp 4 +HR
Returns HP of AR8 with HR applied.
o!hp 7 +EZ
Returns HP of AR6.4 with EZ applied.
Sets your username for platform.
Required variables: 2
Usage: o!ign-set [osu|steam] <username>
, o!set
, o!ign
, o!ignset
o!set-ign osu nathan on osu
Sets your osu! username to nathan on osu.
o!set steam flyingpigoftheapocalypse
Sets your steam username to flyingpigoftheapocalypse.
do math with the sympy library commands: - solve - parse - latex - parseLatex - expand - simplify - sub - show - approx - derive - plot
Required variables: 1
Usage: o!math <command> [arguments]
, o!m
o!math parse x=12y
an image of x=12y and the ability to use in future commands
Calculate Overall Difficulty values and milliseconds with mods applied.
Required variables: 1
Usage: o!od <od> [+mods]
o!od 7 +HT
Returns OD of AR8 with HT applied.
o!od 3.5 +HR
Returns OD of AR6.4 with HR applied.
Show osu! stats.
Required variables: 0
Usage: o!osu [username]
Returns your osu! stats.
o!osu nathan_on_osu
Returns nathan on osu's osu! stats.
Show recent score or pass.
Required variables: 0
Usage: o!recent [username]
, o!rs
, o!recentpass
, o!rp
o!recent nathan_on_osu
Returns nathan on osu's most recent score.
o!recent3 respektive
Returns respektive's most recent score.
Returns your most recent pass.
the famous saylol command of redstoner https://git.redstoner.com/modules/tree/src/main/java/com/redstoner/modules/saylol https://web.archive.org/web/20190620184102/https://redstoner.com/forums/threads/4505-list-of-lols
Required variables: 0
Usage: o!saylol
, o!lol
a random lol
Schedule events.
Possible Commands:
init -- Sets the current channel as ping channel.
new -- Walks you through setting up a new event.
list -- Lists all events.
del -- Deletes event
skip -- Skips event once
edit -- Walks you through the process of editing an event -- todo
Required variables: 1
Usage: o!schedule <command> [any data required]
, o!events?
o!sched init
Sets the current channel as ping channel.
o!event new
Walks you through setting up a new event
set safe place for muda
Required variables: 0
Usage: o!set-muda
, o!mudainit
, o!muda-init
set as muda dump
Show data on your user
Required variables: 0
Usage: o!statme [username]
, o!info
, o!stat
Returns your information and stats.
o!info tmanti
Returns tmanti's stats.
Show data on your user
Required variables: 1
Usage: o!statrole <role identifier>
o!role guild master
Returns information in guild master role.
o!statrole 415349826578808842
Returns information on role.
Show a specific top play.
Required variables: 0
Usage: o!top [username]
, o!rb\d+
, o!recentbest\d+
, o!ob\d+
, o!oldbest\d+
Returns your #1 top play.
o!top5 vaxei
Returns Vaxei's #5 top play.
Warns users if they use the Muda bot in the wrong channel.
if a user posts anything starting with a $
they will be put on a watchlist and if muda (627115852944375808) responds it will trigger admin function
once triggered the message by muda will be deleted and replaced with a warning
will result in
<@!userID> this is a warning. you are in the wrong channel go to <#mudaHomeChannelID>
Reacts with the Bruh emoji when user types /bruh
if a user says /bruh it will trigger the function
once triggered the bot will react with Bruh emoji
will result in
reacts with bruh
bot gives information on itself when its pinged
taging the bot in message
will return information on the bot
will result in
returns flowaboat page