This document describes the setup of a client node which virtualizes a physical LiDAR device. It usually uses a small embedded computer like Raspberry Pi, Rock Pi S, or similar with a locally connected LiDAR sensor. These units can easily be located in large spaces.
All client nodes differ only by a single config file, where the admin server address is stored. The role-specific data, e.g., the UDP port to send LiDAR data to, is retrieved when the client node registers on the server. During administration and when registering, clients are identified by their MAC address.
If you are using Raspberry Pi or ROck Pi S as the client node computation platform, the operating system and software has to be installed on a SD card. This SD card can be setup beforehand and then cloned for any additional nodes. First, follow the instructions to set up the operating system for a Raspberry Pi or a Rock Pi S.
Change directory to this directory and install:
cd lidar/lidarnode
Copy the config.txt
from the admin server to lidarnode
You can now clone the SD card.
When lidarAdmin is running on the remote server, the client node registers after booting. The node should then appear in the Maintain
- tab in the lidarAdmin user interface.
You can manually register the node by:
cd lidar/lidarnode
./ +v +once