django-scraper is a Django application for collecting online content following user-defined instructions
- Extract content of given online website/pages and stored under JSON data
- Crawl then extract content in multiple pages, with given depth.
- Can download media files present in page
- Have option for storing data under ZIP file
- Support standard file system and AWS S3 storage
- Customisable crawling requests for different scenarios
- Process can be started from Django management command (~cron job) or with Python code
- Support extracting multiple content (text, html, images, binary files) in the same page
- Have content refinement (replacement) rules and black words filtering
- Support custom proxy servers, and user-agents
Support Django 1.6, 1.7, and 1.8
Below is sample result from scraping
- Result ZIP file
- JSON result via a renderer:
This application requires some other tools installed first:
lxml requests
django-scraper installation can be made using pip:
pip install django-scraper
For more and latest information about configuration or usage, please visit the repository in github:
If you have any questions about this application, please email to: