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Terraform templates for Google Cloud log export to Splunk

Terraform scripts for deploying log export to Splunk per Google Cloud reference guide:
Deploying production-ready log exports to Splunk using Dataflow.

These deployment templates are provided as is, without warranty. See Copyright & License below.

Architecture Diagram

Architecture Diagram of Log Export to Splunk

Configurable Parameters

Parameter Description
project Project ID to deploy resources in
region Region to deploy regional resources into. Must match subnet's region if deploying into existing network (create_network=false) like a Shared VPC. See subnet parameter below.
create_network Boolean value specifying if a new network needs to be created.
network Network to deploy into
subnet Subnet to deploy into. This is required when deploying into existing network (create_network=false) like a Shared VPC.
primary_subnet_cidr The CIDR Range of the primary subnet.
workspace (Optional) Workspace to create Monitoring dashboard in. This assumes Workspace is already created and project is already added to it. If not specified, no dashboard will be created
log_filter Log filter to use when exporting logs
splunk_hec_url Splunk HEC URL to stream data to, e.g. https://[MY_SPLUNK_IP_OR_FQDN]:8088
splunk_hec_token Splunk HEC token
dataflow_job_name Dataflow job name. No spaces.
dataflow_job_machine_type (Optional) Dataflow job worker machine type (default 'n1-standard-4')
dataflow_job_machine_count (Optional) Dataflow job max worker count (default 2)
dataflow_job_parallelism (Optional) Maximum parallel requests to Splunk (default 8)
dataflow_job_batch_count (Optional) Batch count of messages in single request to Splunk (default 50)
dataflow_job_disable_certificate_validation (Optional) Boolean to disable SSL certificate validation (default false)
dataflow_job_udf_gcs_path (Optional) GCS path for JavaScript file (default No UDF used)
dataflow_job_udf_function_name (Optional) Name of JavaScript function to be called (default No UDF used)
dataflow_template_version (Optional) Dataflow template release version (default 'latest'). Override this for version pinning e.g. '2021-08-02-00_RC00'. Must specify version only since template GCS path will be deduced automatically: 'gs://dataflow-templates/version/Cloud_PubSub_to_Splunk'

Getting Started


  • Terraform 0.13+

Enabling APIs

Before deploying the Terraform in a Google Cloud Platform Project, the following APIs must be enabled:

  • Compute Engine API
  • Dataflow API

For information on enabling Google Cloud Platform APIs, please see Getting Started: Enabling APIs.

Setup working directory

  1. Copy placeholder vars file variables.yaml into new terraform.tfvars to hold your own settings.
  2. Update placeholder values in terraform.tfvars to correspond to your GCP environment and desired settings. See list of input parameters above.
  3. Initialize Terraform working directory and download plugins by running:
$ terraform init

Deploy log export pipeline

$ terraform plan
$ terraform apply

View log export monitoring dashboard (applicable if Monitoring Workspace parameter was provided)

  1. Retrieve dashboard id from terraform output
$ terraform output dataflow_log_export_dashboad

The output is of the form "projects/{project_id_or_number}/dashboards/{dashboard_id}".

Take note of dashboard_id value.

  1. Visit newly created Monitoring Dashboard in Cloud Console by replacing dashboard_id in the following URL:{dashboard_id}

Deploy replay pipeline

In the file, uncomment the code under splunk_dataflow_replay and follow the sequence of terraform plan and terraform apply.

Once the replay pipeline is no longer needed (the number of messages in the PubSub deadletter topic are at 0), comment out splunk_dataflow_replay and follow the plan and apply sequence above.


To delete resources created by Terraform, run the following then confirm:

$ terraform destroy


  • Support KMS-encrypted HEC token
  • Expose logging level knob
  • Create replay pipeline
  • Create secure network for self-contained setup if existing network is not provided
  • Add Cloud Monitoring dashboard


Copyright & License

Copyright 2021 Google LLC

Terraform templates for Google Cloud Log Export to Splunk are licensed under the Apache license, v2.0. Details can be found in LICENSE file.