Telnet must be opened on the hub via php-miio/python-miio(manual). You will need telnet client like putty or other. You can find out IP of the hub in MiHome or on your router. Login - "root", no password.
Open telnet session, connect to hub and run commands:
wget -O /tmp/curl "" && chmod +x /tmp/curl
/tmp/curl -s -k -L -o /tmp/update.tgz
tar -C / -xzf /tmp/update.tgz && source /data/profile
If you see something like in screenshot, everything is ok - you have modified hub firmware.
- Open telnet by default
- Added greeting info (fw version, ip, mac, token and etc)
- Added '/data/bin' in $PATH and '/data/lib' in $LD_LIBRARY_PATH
- Added utilities (curl, dropbear, file, htop, ldd, minicom, nano, rx, sed, ser2net, socat, strace, sx, mosquitto_pub, mosquitto_sub, tcpdump)
- Added '/data/terminfo' (some utilities need it)
- Added ability to run additional services (ftp, dropbear, socat, ser2net, mosquitto with public port)
- Added utility to update zigbee firmware for Zigbee2MQTT/ZHA (read more)
- Update modification from git
- Uninstall modification
- Added custom startup script '/data/'
- Added attempt to restore the modification if it is broken
- Mod survives a factory reset (partially restorable). And also when switching to Aqara mode
To run the service with the system, you must create an empty file with one or some of the names
- /data/enable_ftp
- /data/enable_mosquitto
- /data/enable_socat
- /data/enable_ser2net
- /data/enable_dropbear
To update modification you need to use the '' script.
To uninstall modification run the script ''.