Telnet must be opened on the hub via php-miio/python-miio(manual). Firmware modification must also be installed. You will need telnet client like putty or other. You can find out IP of the hub in MiHome or on your router. Login - "root", no password.
Open telnet session, connect to hub and run commands:
You will need to select firmware version:
- ncp-uart-sw_aqcn02_6_7_10_mod.gbl for Zigbee2MQTT/ZHA
- ncp-uart-hw_aqcn02_6_6_5_stock.gbl for return to stock firmware
If you see something like in screenshot, everything is ok - you have updated zigbee firmware and you can configure Zigbee2MQTT/ZHA. You also need to create an '/data/enable_socat' or '/data/enable_ser2net' file to work with Zigbee2MQTT/ZHA and reboot the hub.
Example of part of the config for Zigbee2MQTT:
adapter: ezsp
port: 'tcp://'
Configuration example for ZHA:
Data flow control must be 'software' (at the moment)
If you want to return to MiHome with hub, you need to flash stock firmware (ncp-uart-hw_aqcn02_6_6_5_stock.gbl) and delete file '/data/enable_socat' or '/data/enable_ser2net' and reboot the hub. is based on @CODeRUS script.
Firmware for Zigbee2MQTT/ZHA complied by Alexander Faronov(@faronov).
PB01 - TX
PB00 - RX