IMPORTANT This project is no longer being developed. Bugs will be fixed, but no additional features will be added.
Project Description
PowerShell CmdLet Library for use with Power Platform Dataverse and Dynamics 365 environments. Manage Metadata and content, and administer the organization.
CRM PowerShell Library is a collection of PowerShell Cmdlets for working with Power Platform Dataverse and Dynamics 365 environments.
Connect to your on-premises environment, or Power Platform Dataverse and Dynamics 365 environment in the Cloud.
Work with Metadata
View, Add, Edit, and Delete Metadata like Entities, Attributes, Relationships, OptionSets and Keys.
Work with content
Retrieve, Add, Edit, Associate, Disassociate and Delete records in any entity. Attributes & FormattedValues are available as named properties on the result.
Manage Business Units, Teams, Users, Roles, etc. Also manage processes like workflows, manage language packs, or invoke any available CRM request.
Customization and Solutions
Manage WebResources, and Translations. Manage and Publish solutions and components.
Plugin Registration
Register, update and unregister plugins, steps, images and serviceendpoints.
Supported Version
The library uses the Micrsoft Dynamics 365 SDK and Microsoft XRM Tooling Connector. So the library supports all versions Microsoft is currently supporting. Parameters for the Cmdlets are automatically updated based on the Organization and loaded SDK version.
To get started using the PowerShell:
Install the latest version from the PowerShell Gallery (
Install-Module AMSoftware.Crm
Download the latest release ( and run
Import-Module AMSoftware.Crm.psd1
Use the Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.CrmConnector.PowerShell module to connect to an environment, or supply a connectionstring to Connect-CrmOrganization.
To provide a connectionstring to an environment see Use connection strings in XRM tooling to connect to Microsoft Dataverse
Install-Module 'Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.CrmConnector.PowerShell'
$connection = Get-CrmConnection -InteractiveMode
Connect-CrmOrganization -Connection $connection
Connect-CrmOrganization -Connectionstring 'AuthType=Office365;;Password=passcode;Url='
Use connection strings in XRM tooling to connect to Microsoft Dataverse
PowerShell Gallery: Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.CrmConnector.PowerShell
The get all the available commands use Get-Command -Module 'AMSoftware.Crm'
. Or go to the online documentation here.