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Welcome to Tripify2, your one-stop platform designed to make your travel planning seamless, stress-free, and enjoyable! Whether you're planning a weekend getaway, a family vacation, or a dream adventure, our website helps you organize every detail of your trip in one place.


Traveling is one of the most rewarding and life-changing experiences, but the planning process can often feel overwhelming and stressful. From managing itineraries to coordinating with friends and family, to staying on top of expenses, the logistics of organizing a trip can quickly become a burden.

Tripify2 was created to simplify this process and make the journey to your dream vacation as smooth as possible. Our goal is to empower travelers by providing a tool that organizes all aspects of trip planning in one intuitive, easy-to-use platform.

By combining personalized itineraries, budgeting tools, collaborative planning, and real-time local insights, we strive to be the ultimate companion in your travel journey. Tripify2 is designed with your convenience in mind, giving you more time to explore the world and less time worrying about the details.

Build Status

  • Status: The project is fully implemented, is functioning as expected and is ready for deployment.

  • Frontend: All functionality is working as expected and accessible via the local development server.

  cd client
  npm run start
  • Backend: Fully implemented with all API endpoints thoroughly tested, including edge cases, using Postman.
  cd server
  npm run dev
  • Testing:

    • Postman API tests: ✅
    • User Acceptance Testing: ✅
    • Feature-Centric Testing: ✅
    • Black-Box Testing: ✅
    • Requirement-Based Testing: ✅
  • Deployment:

    • Fully optimized and ready for deployment.

Code Style

Client Side (Frontend)

  • Reusable Components: Components are organized in the components folder for easy reuse and accessibility.

  • Folder Names: Folder names use lowercase and single words for consistency

    • Example: @tourist, @admin
  • File Names and Content: React component files .jsx follow PascalCase naming conventions and JavaScript files follow lowercase name convention

    • Example: CheckoutComponent.jsx, ForgotPassword.jsx, ItineraryCard.jsx
    • Example: page.js, sellerprofile.js
  • Variables and Helpers: Variables and Helper functions are named in camelCase for improved clarity and maintainability.

      "use client"
      const router = useRouter();
      const session = useSession();
      const handleLogout = async () => {
        await signOut({ redirect: true, callbackUrl: "/" });

Server Side (Backend)

  • Folder Names: Folder names use lowercase and single words for consistency.

    • Example: controllers, middleware, models, routes
  • File Names: Files follow camelCase naming, except for Models which use PascalCase.

    • Example: bookingController.js, verifySeller.js, userRoutes.js
    • Example: Itinerary.js, Advertiser.js
  • Variables and Helpers: Variables and Helper functions are named in camelCase for improved clarity and maintainability.

      const deleteActivity = async (req, res) => {
      const { id } = req.params;
      const advertiser = await advertiserModel.findOne(
        { UserId: req._id },
      const deletedActivity = await activityModel.findById(id);


Tests and Screenshots

Tech/Frameworks Used

This project harnesses the power of the MERN stack, enhanced by Next.js to enable server-side rendering for improved client-side performance. It integrates various libraries and frameworks to streamline development and deliver a robust, scalable solution.

Core Technologies:

  • MongoDB: NoSQL database, which distinguishes it from traditional relational databases. Its flexible structure enables faster and more dynamic data modeling, allowing for better scalability and adaptability.

  • Express.js: Node.js framework that streamlines the development of web applications and APIs. It offers powerful features for efficient routing, middleware integration, and enhanced functionality.

  • React.js: JavaScript library for building user interfaces

    • Next.js: React.js framework that provides server-side rendering and API routes and is used for building fast full-stack React.js applications
  • Node.js: Runtime environment which allows for JavaScript to be run outside of the browser, enabeling the creation of server-side applications using JavaScript

Additional Tools and Libraries:

  • bcrypt: Library for hasing passwords and securely stoting them.

  • cookie-parser: Middleware for Express.js that parses cookies from incoming HTTP requests.

  • axios: HTTP client for sending API requests.

  • cors: Middleware for handling Cross-Origin Resourse Sharing.

  • dotenv: Library for loading environment variables.

  • jsonwebtoken: Library for generating and verifying JSON Web Tokens.(JWTs)

  • node-cron: Task scheduler for Node.js, used for notification handleing on our website.

  • nodemailer: Node.js module for sending emails.

  • stripe: For integrating payment processing into our website.

  • react-hook-form: Library for handling forms and validations.

  • date-fns: Modern JavaScript date utility library for manipulating and formatting data.

  • country-reverse-geocoding: Converts geographic coordinates into country names.

UI Frameworks and Libraries

  • tailwindcss: Utility-first CSS framework for building modern and responsive designs.

  • frigade/react: Library for building onboarding flows and tutorials for React.js applications. Used for the step-by-step guide.

  • lucide-react / @radix-ui: Open source React.js icons and highly customizable pre-built components for building more complex UI components.

Development Tools

  • Git: Version control system for tracking code changes, enabeling collaboration and managing project history.

  • Postman: Used for testing and debugging API endpoints.

  • Prettier: Code formatter that enforces a consistent coding style across the codebase.

  • Figma: Interface design tool for prototyping the UI

  • Miro: Versatile online collaborative whiteboard platform used for brainstorming, wireframing, and visually organizing project requirements.


User Authentication and Authorization

  • Authentication

    • Verifying user's identity using vredentials like username, password and tokens.
  • Authorization

    • Determines what actions and resources a verified user is permitted to access bases on their role and permissions.
    • Method used: Role-Based Access Control.
      • Tourist
      • Tour Guide
      • Adveriser
      • Tourism Governor
      • Seller
      • Admin
  • Session Managmenet

    • Ensure secure handling of httpOnly cookies, session tokens or JWTs.
    • Includes accessTokens and refreshTokens for enhanced security.

Role-Specific Dashboards

  • Access Control Based on Role: Each user has a personalized dashboard tailored to their role, granting access only to the specific website endpoints and features that are relevant to them.
  • Customized Views: Depending on the role, users will see a unique set of data and tools, ensuring a focused and efficient user experience.
    • Tourists: may have access to booking details, itineraries, and recommended destinations.
    • Tour Guides can manage tour schedules, customer interactions, and itineraries.
    • Advertisers have access to activity creation and scheduling.
    • Tourism Governors can access place creation onto the system.
    • Sellers can list products, manage bookings, and view sales performance.
    • Admins have full control, overseeing system settings, user management, and the overall operation of the platform.

Personalized Planning

  • Tourist:

    • Can create and personalize their profiles to receive tailored notifications for events, attractions, and activities that match their interests, ensuring they never miss out on exciting opportunities.
    • Can easily access the platform at any time to explore the best flight options, accommodation, and transportation methods, enjoying a seamless, worry-free travel experience. With exclusive promotional codes and special offers, tourists can save while planning their next adventure.
  • Tour Guide:

    • Can monitor the performance of their created itineraries, gaining insights into customer satisfaction and engagement.
    • Can access detailed tourist activity and sales reports to fine-tune their offerings, optimize schedules, and enhance the overall tour experience for maximum profitability.
  • Advertiser:

    • Can track the success of their promotional activities, measuring their impact on tourism engagement and conversions.
    • Can view detailed reports on tourist activity and sales, allowing them to refine their marketing strategies and better target their audience for higher returns.
  • Tourism Governor:

    • Have the ability to create and manage popular tags for historical sites, enhancing visibility and encouraging more website users to engage with these attractions.
    • Can add new locations and destinations to the system, ensuring that the platform remains up-to-date with the latest tourism hotspots and opportunities for exploration.
  • Seller:

    • Can manage and list their tourism-related products with options, ensuring they are easily accessible to potential customers.
    • They have access to detailed sales reports, helping them track performance, identify trends, and adjust their offerings accordingly
  • Admin:

    • Have full access to the platform, enabling them to manage all aspects of the system, including content and settings.
    • Have full access to the platform, enabling them to manage all aspects of the system, including user roles, content, and settings.


  • Easy to Use

    • The platform offers an intuitive interface, making it easy for users of all experience levels to navigate and access key features.
    • With streamlined workflows and simplified navigation, users can efficiently manage their bookings, itineraries, and activities without hassle.
  • Real-Time Notifications

    • Emails: Users receive instant email notifications about updates, promotions, and important events related to their interests or activities.
    • On-System: Real-time alerts are displayed within the platform to keep users informed about booking status, special offers, or changes to itineraries as they happen.
  • Rating, Feedback and Complaints

    • Users can leave ratings and feedback on services, tours, activities and products to help improve offerings and assist other users in making informed decisions.
    • The platform provides a dedicated section for handling complaints and resolving issues promptly, ensuring customer satisfaction and fostering trust in the services provided.
  • Gift Shop

    • The gift shop offers a wide range of tourism-related products and souvenirs, allowing users to purchase memorable items from their travels.
    • Multiple payment methods are supported, including credit cards, digital wallets, and cash on delivery, ensuring a seamless and convenient shopping experience for users.

Code Snippets

User Authentication

const jwt = require('jsonwebtoken')
const bcrypt = require('bcrypt')
const User = require('../models/User')
const Tourist = require('../models/Tourist')
const Admin = require('../models/Admin')
const Advertiser = require('../models/Advertiser')
const Seller = require('../models/Seller')
const TourGuide = require('../models/Tourguide')
const TourismGovernor = require('../models/TourismGovernor')

async function login(req, res) {
    const { UserName, Password } = req.body
    if (!UserName || !Password) return res.status(400).json({ 'message': 'All Fields Must Be Given!' })

    const foundUser = await User.findOne({ UserName }).lean().exec()
    if (!foundUser) return res.status(400).json({ 'message': 'User Not Found!' })

    if (foundUser.RequestDelete) return res.status(400).json({ 'message': 'User Requested To Delete!' })

    const correctPwd = await, foundUser.Password)
    if (!correctPwd) return res.status(400).json({ 'message': 'Password Is Wrong!' })

    let user
    if (foundUser.Role === 'Tourist') user = await Tourist.findOne({ UserId: foundUser._id }, "_id").lean().exec()
    else if (foundUser.Role === 'Admin') user = await Admin.findOne({ UserId: foundUser._id }, "_id").lean().exec()
    else if (foundUser.Role === 'Advertiser') user = await Advertiser.findOne({ UserId: foundUser._id }, "_id Accepted").lean().exec()
    else if (foundUser.Role === 'Seller') user = await Seller.findOne({ UserId: foundUser._id }, "_id Accepted").lean().exec()
    else if (foundUser.Role === 'TourGuide') user = await TourGuide.findOne({ UserId: foundUser._id }, "_id Accepted").lean().exec()
    else if (foundUser.Role === 'TourismGovernor') user = await TourismGovernor.findOne({ UserId: foundUser._id }, "_id").lean().exec()

    const accessToken = jwt.sign(
            "user": {
                "userId": foundUser._id,
                "id": user._id,
                "email": foundUser.Email,
                "username": foundUser.UserName,
                "role": foundUser.Role,
                "accepted": user.Accepted
        { expiresIn: '1m' }

    const refreshToken = jwt.sign(
            "email": foundUser.Email
        { expiresIn: '30d' }
    console.log({ ...foundUser, userId: foundUser._id, _id: user._id, accepted: user.Accepted })
    res.status(200).json({ accessToken, refreshToken, user: { ...foundUser, userId: foundUser._id, _id: user._id, accepted: (foundUser.Role === 'Advertiser' || foundUser.Role === 'Seller' || foundUser.Role === 'TourGuide') ? user.Accepted : true } })

async function refresh(req, res) {
    const authHeader = req.headers.authorization || req.headers.Authorization

    if (!authHeader?.startsWith('Bearer ')) {
        return res.status(401).json({ message: 'Unauthorized' })

    const refreshToken = authHeader.split(' ')[1]

        async (err, decoded) => {
            if (err) return res.status(403).json({ message: 'Forbidden' })

            const foundUser = await User.findOne({ Email: }).lean().exec()

            let user
            if (foundUser?.Role === 'Tourist') user = await Tourist.findOne({ UserId: foundUser._id }, "_id").lean().exec()
            else if (foundUser?.Role === 'Admin') user = await Admin.findOne({ UserId: foundUser._id }, "_id").lean().exec()
            else if (foundUser?.Role === 'Advertiser') user = await Advertiser.findOne({ UserId: foundUser._id }, "_id Accepted").lean().exec()
            else if (foundUser?.Role === 'Seller') user = await Seller.findOne({ UserId: foundUser._id }, "_id Accepted").lean().exec()
            else if (foundUser?.Role === 'TourGuide') user = await TourGuide.findOne({ UserId: foundUser._id }, "_id Accepted").lean().exec()
            else if (foundUser?.Role === 'TourismGovernor') user = await TourismGovernor.findOne({ UserId: foundUser._id }, "_id").lean().exec()

            if (!foundUser) return res.status(401).json({ message: 'Unauthorized' })

            const accessToken = jwt.sign(
                    "user": {
                        "userId": foundUser._id,
                        "id": user._id,
                        "email": foundUser.Email,
                        "username": foundUser.UserName,
                        "role": foundUser.Role,
                        "accepted": user.Accepted
                { expiresIn: '1m' }

            res.json({ accessToken, refreshToken, user: { ...foundUser, userId: foundUser._id, _id: user._id, accepted: (foundUser.Role === 'Advertiser' || foundUser.Role === 'Seller' || foundUser.Role === 'TourGuide') ? user.Accepted : true } })

async function logout(req, res) {
    res.json({ 'message': 'Logged Out Successfully!' })

module.exports = {

Backend Controller

const createActivity = async (req, res) => {
  const {
    Date: dateString,
    Time: timeString,
  } = req.body;

  const advertiser = await advertiserModel.findById(AdvertiserId, "UserId");
  if (!advertiser || advertiser.UserId.toString() !== req._id)
    return res.status(400).json({ message: "Unauthorized Advertiser!" });

  try {
    if (!Tags || Tags.length === 0) {
      return res.status(400).json({ message: "Please provide valid tags" });

    if (!Categories || Categories.length === 0) {
      return res
        .json({ message: "Please provide valid categories" });

    const foundTags = await TagModel.find({ _id: { $in: Tags } });
    const foundCategories = await CategoryModel.find({
      _id: { $in: Categories },

    if (foundTags.length !== Tags.length) {
      return res.status(400).json({ message: "One or more Tags are invalid" });
    if (foundCategories.length !== Categories.length) {
      return res
        .json({ message: "One or more Categories are invalid" });

    let parsedPrice = typeof Price === "string" ? parseInt(Price, 10) : Price;
    let parsedDiscount =
      typeof SpecialDiscounts === "string"
        ? parseInt(SpecialDiscounts, 10)
        : SpecialDiscounts;

    let parsedDate = new Date(dateString);
    let parsedTime = new Date(timeString);

    if (isNaN(parsedDate.getTime()) || isNaN(parsedTime.getTime())) {
      return res.status(400).json({ message: "Invalid date or time format" });

    const newActivity = new activityModel({
      Date: parsedDate,
      Time: parsedTime,
      Price: parsedPrice,
      CategoryId: Categories,

Frontend Snippet

'use client'

import LocationViewer from "@/components/shared/LoactionViewer"
import { Button } from "@/components/ui/button"
import { Callout } from "@/components/ui/Callout"
import { Dialog, DialogContent, DialogFooter, DialogHeader } from "@/components/ui/dialog"
import { fetcher } from "@/lib/fetch-client"
import { EyeIcon, Flag, Loader2 } from "lucide-react"
import { useRouter } from "next/navigation"
import { useState } from "react"

export default function ItineraryActions({ itinerary }) {
    const router = useRouter()

    const [view, setView] = useState(false)
    const [flag, setFlag] = useState(false)
    const [loading, setLoading] = useState(false)
    const [error, setError] = useState('')

    const handleFlagItinerary = async () => {
        try {
            const response = await fetcher(`/itineraries/flag/${itinerary._id}`, {
                method: 'PATCH'
            if (!response?.ok) {
                setError('Failed to flag itinerary')
            else {
        catch (error) {

    return (
            <div className="flex items-center justify-center gap-6">
                <div onClick={() => setView(true)} className='flex items-center justify-center gap-1 cursor-pointer'>
                    <EyeIcon size={16} />
                {itinerary?.Inappropriate ? (
                    <div onClick={() => setFlag(true)} className='flex items-center justify-center gap-1 text-red-700 cursor-pointer'>
                        <Flag size={16} fill='#b91c1c' stroke="#b91c1c" />
                ) : (
                    <div onClick={() => setFlag(true)} className='flex items-center justify-center gap-1 text-red-700 cursor-pointer'>
                        <Flag size={16} stroke="#b91c1c" />
            <Dialog open={view} onOpenChange={setView}>
                        <h2 className="text-lg font-bold">{itinerary?.Name}'s Details</h2>

API Integration

import TouristAccount from "@/components/ui/touristAccount";
import { fetcher } from "@/lib/fetch-client";

export default async function Account({ params }) {
  const { id } = params;

  const touristInfoResponse = await fetcher(`/tourists/${id}`, {
    method: "GET",
    headers: {
      "Content-Type": "application/json",
  }).catch((e) => console.log(e));

  if (!touristInfoResponse.ok) throw new Error("Network response was not ok");

  const touristInfo = await touristInfoResponse.json();

  return <TouristAccount params={{ touristInfo }} />;

Notification Setup Snippet

class NotificationService {
    constructor() {
        this.transporter = nodemailer.createTransport({
            service: 'gmail',
            host: '',
            port: 587,
            secure: false,
            auth: {
                user: process.env.EMAIL_USER,
                pass: process.env.EMAIL_PASSWORD

    async createNotification(data) {
        try {
            const notification = new Notification(data);

            socket.emit(data.UserId.toString(), 'newNotification', notification);

            return notification;
        } catch (error) {
            throw error;

    async getNotifications(UserId, page = 1, limit = 10) {
        try {
            const notifications = await Notification.find({ UserId })
                .sort({ createdAt: -1 })

JWT Verification

const jwt = require('jsonwebtoken')

const verifyJWT = (req, res, next) => {
    const authHeader = req.headers.authorization || req.headers.Authorization

    if (!authHeader?.startsWith('Bearer ')) {
        return res.status(401).json({ message: 'Unauthorized' })

    const token = authHeader.split(' ')[1]
            (err, decoded) => {
                if (err) return res.status(403).json({ message: 'Forbidden' })
                if (typeof decoded === 'object' && decoded !== null) {
                    const user = decoded.user;
                    if (user && typeof user === 'object' && 'username' in user && 'role' in user)
                        req._id = decoded?.user?.userId
                        req.role = decoded?.user?.role


module.exports = verifyJWT


Clone the project

  git clone

Go to the project directories

  • Frontend
  cd client
  • Backend
  cd server

Install dependencies

  npm install

Start the server

  npm run start

Setup Environment Variables

  • Frontend
NEXTAUTH_SECRET= your-next.js-secret-auth-key
NEXT_PUBLIC_GOOGLE_API_KEY= your-google-maps-api-key
UPLOADTHING_TOKEN= your-uploadthing-api-key
NEXT_PUBLIC_FRIGADE_API_KEY= your-fridage-api-key
  • Backend
MONGODB_URI= your-mongodb-api-key
ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET= your-access-token-key
REFRESH_TOKEN_SECRET= your-refresh-token-key
STRIPE_SECRET_KEY= your-stripe-api-key
STRIPE_ENDPOINT_SECRET= your-stripe-api-key
HOTEL_API_KEY= your-hotels-api-key
HOTEL_API_SECRET= your-hotels-api-key
EMAIL_USER= your-email
EMAIL_PASSWORD= your-password

API server endpoint for frontend to communicate with the backend

Public API server endpoint for client-side access (for public APIs)

URL for authentication callback (used by NextAuth.js)

Secret key used by NextAuth.js for token encryption (keep it secure)

  • NEXTAUTH_SECRET = your-next.js-secret-auth-key

Google API key for accessing Google Maps or other Google services

  • NEXT_PUBLIC_GOOGLE_API_KEY = your-google-maps-api-key

API key for UploadThing (file upload service)

  • UPLOADTHING_TOKEN = your-uploadthing-api-key

API key for Frigade service (used for specific integrations, e.g., payments or other services)

  • NEXT_PUBLIC_FRIGADE_API_KEY = your-frigade-api-key

MongoDB URI for connecting to your database

  • MONGODB_URI = your-mongodb-api-key

Secret used for signing access tokens (keep this safe and secret)

  • ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET = your-access-token-key

Secret used for refreshing access tokens (keep this safe and secret)

  • REFRESH_TOKEN_SECRET = your-refresh-token-key

Secret key for Stripe payments integration

  • STRIPE_SECRET_KEY = your-stripe-api-key

Client URL, used for redirecting users to the frontend after authentication or actions

Stripe endpoint secret used for verifying webhook events from Stripe

  • STRIPE_ENDPOINT_SECRET = your-stripe-api-key

API key for accessing hotel-related data (hotel booking service)

  • HOTEL_API_KEY = your-hotels-api-key

Secret key for the hotel API (used in some cases for authentication with hotel services)

  • HOTEL_API_SECRET = your-hotels-api-key

Frontend URL for various purposes, such as redirects or linking in emails

Email credentials for sending emails from your backend (e.g., for notifications, password resets)

  • EMAIL_USER = your-email
  • EMAIL_PASSWORD = your-password

API Reference

  Activity Routes
Endpoint Method Description
/activities/get-all GET Gets all activities
/activities GET Gets all non-archived activities
/activities POST Advertiser can create an activity
/activities/flag/:id PATCH Admin can flag an activity
/activities/:id GET Gets a certain activity
/activities/:id DELETE Deletes a certain activity
/activities/:id PATCH Updates a certain activity
  Admin Routes
Endpoint Method Description
/admins POST Creates an admin
/admins GET Gets all admins
/admins/:id GET Gets a certain admin
/admins/get-all/my-products GET Gets all products for a certain admin
  Advertiser Routes
Endpoint Method Description
/advertisers GET Gets all advertisers
/advertisers POST Creates an advertiser
/advertisers/:id GET Gets a certain advertiser
/advertisers/:id PATCH Updates a certain advertiser
/advertisers/:id DELETE Deletes a certain advertiser
/advertisers/get-all/my-activities GET Gets all activities for a certain advertiser
/advertisers/accept/:id POST Admin can accept an advertiser
/advertisers/reject/:id POST Admin can reject and advertiser
  Auth Routes
Endpoint Method Description
/auth/# POST Logs in using credentials
/auth/refresh GET Recreates a new access token
/auth/logout POST Logs out
  Booking Routes
Endpoint Method Description
/bookings/itineraries/create-booking/:id POST Books an itinerary
/bookings/itineraries GET Gets all itinerary bookings
/bookings/itineraries/:id GET Gets a certain itinerary booking
/bookings/itineraries/cancel-booking/:id POST Cancels a certain itinerary booking
/bookings/activities/create-booking/:id POST Books an activity
/bookings/activities GET Gets all activity bookings
/bookings/activities/:id GET Gets a certain activity booking
/bookings/activities/cancel-booking/:id POST Cancels a certain activity booking
/bookings/products/create-booking/:id POST Books a specific product by its ID.
/bookings/products/create-booking POST Books products from the cart.
/bookings/products GET Retrieves all product bookings for the user.
/bookings/products/current GET Retrieves the current product bookings for the user.
/bookings/products/:id DELETE Deletes a specific product booking by its ID.
/bookings/products PATCH Cancels a product booking.
/bookings/products/updateQuantityAndStatus PATCH Updates the quantity and status of a product booking.
/bookings/flights/create-booking/:id POST Books a specific flight by its ID.
/bookings/flights GET Retrieves all flight bookings for the user.
/bookings/hotels/create-booking/:id POST Books a specific hotel by its ID.
/bookings/hotels GET Retrieves all hotel bookings for the user.
/bookings/transportations/create-booking/:id POST Books specific transportation by its ID.
/bookings/transportations GET Retrieves all transportation bookings for the user.
/bookings/callback POST Accepts a booking callback using raw JSON data.
/bookings/itin GET Retrieves all itinerary bookings.
/bookings/itin/:id GET Retrieves a specific itinerary booking by its ID.
/bookings/itin/:id/created-at/:createdAt GET Retrieves an itinerary booking by its ID and creation date.
/bookings/all-itineraries/booked-tourguide/:id GET Retrieves all itineraries booked for a specific tour guide.
/bookings/activ GET Retrieves all activity bookings.
/bookings/act GET Retrieves all activity bookings (alternative endpoint).
/bookings/act/:id GET Retrieves a specific activity booking by its ID.
/bookings/activities-booked-for/:id GET Retrieves all activities booked for a specific advertiser.
/bookings/products/for/seller/:id GET Retrieves all products bought from a specific seller.
  Category Routes
Endpoint Method Description
/categories GET Retrieves all categories.
/categories POST Creates a new category (admin-only access).
/categories/:id GET Retrieves a specific category by its ID.
/categories/:id PATCH Updates a specific category (admin-only access).
/categories/:id DELETE Deletes a specific category (admin-only access).
  Complaint Routes
Endpoint Method Description
/complaints GET Retrieves all complaints (accessible by admin and tourists).
/complaints POST Creates a new complaint (accessible by tourists).
/complaints/reply/:id POST Creates a reply to a specific complaint (admin-only access).
/complaints/update-status/:id PATCH Updates the status of a specific complaint (admin-only access).
  Flight Routes
Endpoint Method Description
/flights GET Retrieves all available flights.
/flights/:id GET Retrieves details of a specific flight by its ID.
  Hotel Routes
Endpoint Method Description
/hotels GET Retrieves all available hotels.
/hotels/:id GET Retrieves details of a specific hotel by its ID.
  Itinerary Routes
Endpoint Method Description
/itineraries GET Retrieves all itineraries.
/itineraries POST Creates a new itinerary (accessible by tour guides only).
/itineraries/:id GET Retrieves details of a specific itinerary by its ID.
/itineraries/:id PATCH Updates a specific itinerary (accessible by tour guides only).
/itineraries/:id DELETE Deletes a specific itinerary (accessible by tour guides only).
/itineraries/get-all/my-itineraries GET Retrieves all itineraries created by the logged-in tour guide.
/itineraries/flag/:id PATCH Flags a specific itinerary (admin-only access).
  Notification Routes
Endpoint Method Description
/notifications GET Retrieves all notifications for the user.
/notifications/:id PATCH Marks a specific notification as read.
  Place Routes
Endpoint Method Description
/places GET Retrieves all places.
/places POST Adds a new place (accessible by tourism governors only).
/places/:id GET Retrieves details of a specific place by its ID.
/places/:id PATCH Updates a specific place (accessible by tourism governors only).
/places/:id DELETE Deletes a specific place (accessible by tourism governors only).
  Product Routes
Endpoint Method Description
/products GET Retrieves all products.
/products POST Creates a new product (accessible by sellers only).
/products/:id GET Retrieves details of a specific product by its ID.
/products/:id PATCH Updates a specific product (accessible by sellers only).
/products/:id DELETE Deletes a specific product (accessible by sellers only).
  Company Profile Routes
Endpoint Method Description
/profile GET Retrieves all company profiles.
/profile POST Creates a new company profile (accessible by advertisers only).
/profile PATCH Updates a company profile (accessible by advertisers only).
/profile DELETE Deletes a company profile (accessible by advertisers only).
/profile/:id GET Retrieves a specific company profile by its ID.
  Promocode Routes
Endpoint Method Description
/promo-codes POST Creates a new promo code (accessible by admins only).
/promo-codes/all GET Retrieves all promo codes (accessible by admins only).
/promo-codes/:id DELETE Deletes a specific promo code by its ID (accessible by admins only).
/promo-codes/:id PATCH Updates a specific promo code by its ID (accessible by admins only).
/promo-codes/validate POST Validates a promo code (accessible by users with a valid JWT).
/promo-codes/:id GET Retrieves a specific promo code by its ID (accessible by users with a valid JWT).
  Review Routes

Review Routes

Endpoint Method Description
/reviews/itineraries/:id POST Adds a review for a specific itinerary (accessible by tourists).
/reviews/tourguides/:id POST Adds a review for a specific tour guide (accessible by tourists).
/reviews/activities/:id POST Adds a review for a specific activity (accessible by tourists).
/reviews/products/:id POST Adds a review for a specific product (accessible by tourists).
  Seller Routes
Endpoint Method Description
/sellers POST Creates a new seller (accessible by admins only).
/sellers GET Retrieves all sellers (accessible by admins only).
/sellers/:id GET Retrieves a specific seller by their ID.
/sellers/:id PATCH Updates a specific seller (accessible by the seller themselves).
/sellers/:id DELETE Deletes a specific seller (accessible by admins only).
/sellers/accept/:id POST Accepts a seller (accessible by admins only).
/sellers/reject/:id POST Rejects a seller (accessible by admins only).
/sellers/get-all/my-products GET Retrieves all products of a specific seller (accessible by the seller themselves).
/sellers/user/:id GET Retrieves the user associated with a specific seller.
  Tag Routes
Endpoint Method Description
/tags GET Retrieves all tags.
/tags POST Creates a new tag (accessible by tourism governor only).
/tags/:id GET Retrieves a specific tag by its ID.
/tags/:id PATCH Updates a specific tag (accessible by tourism governor only).
/tags/:id DELETE Deletes a specific tag (accessible by tourism governor only).
  Tourguide Routes
Endpoint Method Description
/tourguides POST Creates a new tour guide profile (accessible by admins).
/tourguides GET Retrieves all tour guide profiles.
/tourguides/:id GET Retrieves a specific tour guide profile by their ID.
/tourguides/:id PATCH Updates a specific tour guide profile (accessible by the tour guide themselves).
/tourguides/:id DELETE Deletes a specific tour guide profile (accessible by admins only).
/tourguides/get-all/my-itineraries GET Retrieves all itineraries for a specific tour guide (accessible by the tour guide themselves).
/tourguides/accept/:id POST Accepts a tour guide profile (accessible by admins only).
/tourguides/reject/:id POST Rejects a tour guide profile (accessible by admins only).
  Tourism Governor Routes
Endpoint Method Description
/tourism-governors POST Adds a new tourism governor profile (accessible by admin only).
/tourism-governors GET Retrieves all tourism governors.
/tourism-governors/:id DELETE Deletes a specific tourism governor profile (accessible by admin only).
/tourism-governors/get-all/my-places GET Retrieves all places associated with a specific tourism governor.
/tourism-governors/get-all/my-tags GET Retrieves all tags associated with a specific tourism governor.
  Tourist Routes
Endpoint Method Description
/tourists POST Creates a new tourist profile.
/tourists GET Retrieves all tourist profiles.
/tourists/:id GET Retrieves a specific tourist profile by their ID.
/tourists/:id PATCH Updates a specific tourist profile (accessible by the tourist themselves).
/tourists/:id DELETE Deletes a specific tourist profile (accessible by the tourist themselves).
/tourists/points/redeem POST Allows a tourist to redeem points (accessible by tourists only).
/tourists/getcart/:id GET Retrieves the cart for a specific tourist by their ID.
  Transportation Routes
Endpoint Method Description
/transportations GET Retrieves all available transportations (requires JWT verification).
/transportations/:id GET Retrieves a specific transportation by ID (requires JWT verification).
  User Routes
Endpoint Method Description
/users POST Creates a new user profile.
/users GET Retrieves all users (requires admin privileges).
/users/:id GET Retrieves a specific user profile by their ID.
/users/:id PATCH Updates a specific user profile (requires verification).
/users/:id DELETE Deletes a specific user profile (requires admin privileges).
/users/change-password/:id PATCH Allows a user to change their password (requires verification).
/users/forgot-password POST Sends an OTP for password reset.
/users/reset-password POST Resets the user’s password using the OTP.
/users/request-deletion/:id POST Allows a user to request account deletion (requires verification).
/users/get-all/delete-requests GET Retrieves all deletion requests (requires admin privileges).


Tests and Screenshots

How to use

All steps are after the set up mentioned above


Click the Join Our Community button or the Sign-up button on your dashboard, Emails and Usernames must be unique


  • Provide your desired username, email, password, etc...
  • Submit the form to grant account creation Tourguide, Advertiser and Seller
  • Provide your desired username, email, password, a minimum of 2 documents
  • Submit the form and await your admin's approval


Click the Sign-in button on your dashboard

Enter your Username

Enter your Password

  • If you have forgotten your password, the Forgot Password button can help!


Tourists and Guests

  • User-Friendly Interface: Enjoy an intuitive dashboard with a helpful guide to get started quickly.
  • Seamless Access to Itineraries and Attractions: Easily view and book registered itineraries, tourist attractions, and activities, along with exclusive deals you won't find anywhere else.
  • Effortless Trip Planning: Navigate through the dashboard with simple, easy-to-learn controls, making it easier than ever to plan your perfect trip.

Advertisers, Tourguides, Sellers and Tourism Governors

  • Straightforward Dashboard: Access a no-fuss dashboard designed for quick creation of itineraries, activities, products, and tourist locations.
  • Comprehensive Reports: Track your performance with detailed reports on sales and bookings, helping you monitor success and adjust strategies effectively.


  • Complete Control: Admins are provided with an all-encompassing dashboard to manage the platform's overall functionality.
  • User Management: Easily manage and oversee user accounts, ensuring smooth operations across all user types.
  • Data-Driven Decisions: Access in-depth analytics and reports, including user behavior, traffic, and engagement metrics, enabling informed decision-making for platform improvements.
  • Content Moderation: Admins have the ability to approve or manage content, ensuring the quality and accuracy of information provided on the platform.


We are actively working on

  • Improved User Experience: Making the platform more intuitive for all user types.
  • Enhanced Reporting: Expanding the reporting features for better insights and decision-making.
  • Bug Fixes and Optimizations: Regularly addressing any bugs and improving overall system performance.
  • AI Integration: Exploring and integrating AI capabilities to further enhance the platform's functionality.

To contribute

  • Clone the Repository
  • Create a Branch
  • Code your Changes
  • Commit and Push
  • Submit a Pull Eequest

We are very keen on fixing community found bugs

  • We highly encourage contributions from the community! If you find a bug or have an idea for an improvement, feel free to submit a pull request. Your input helps make the project even better.



This project is licensed under the MIT License.

Third-Party Licenses

This project uses third-party libraries and services that are subject to their own licenses:


No description, website, or topics provided.






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