WARNING: There has been no formal security review of the current BETA version. Use at your own risk.
BlackNote is a paste tool for sharing quick and temporary secrets. Everything except storage is done clientside with NaCl secretbox
In a perfect world passwords (even temporary ones) should not be shared. But often, an administrator will need to set a temporary password in order to allow a user to log in to change their password. Instead of sending the password in plaintext through email, they can now instead send a BlackNote link.
In order to get a quick running version:
git clone git@github.com:Aerstone/BlackNote.git
cd ./blacknote
go run blacknote.go
or to build binaries
git clone git@github.com:Aerstone/BlackNote.git
cd ./blacknote
go build blacknote.go
This will require certificates and keys as HTTPS is forced by default. Certificates are defined by:
: For the certificate (default:./server.crt
: For the keys (default:./server.key
: Insecure mode without HTTPS (not suggested ever)
The suggested installation is to use BlackNote behind a proxy (such as nginx) in order to handle maximum upload size and a couple of other corner cases.