GitHub Actions related issues or PRs
Issues related to AME Wizard that can't be fixed by us
AppX related issues or PRs
Something isn't working, let’s fix that
Can't reproduce the issue
Component related issues or PRs
Config (Registry) issues or PRs
Pull requests that updates a dependency file
AtlasDesktop folder related issues or PRs
This issue or pull request already exists
This issue will be fixed next release
Extra attention is needed
Should be fixed within the next version
Issues likely unrelated to Atlas
Small problems that does not require a fix immediately
Playbook related issues/PRs
This is put forwarded for consideration
We need more information to fix this
Improvements or additions to readme
Services or drivers related issues or PRs
Modifications to the 'tweaks' in the Playbook
Solution provided and waiting for user's response
This will not be worked on
Where a temporary workaround/fix is available for an issue