为RecyclerView提供的泛型Adapter,使用Kotlin编写,充分利用了Kotlin的特性,可直接使用smart{}创建Adapter实例,使用简便,功能很赞,内部封装了DiffUtil的处理逻辑,只需设置diff callback,无需操心调用DiffUtil.calculateDiff。
有DiffCallback,item增减有动画 | 没有DiffCallback,item增减没有动画 |
![]() ![]() |
![]() ![]() |
implementation "io.github.ayvytr:smart-adapter-androidx:0.3.3"
implementation "com.ayvytr:smart-adapter:0.3.2"
implementation "com.ayvytr:smart-adapter-androidx:0.3.2"
implementation "com.ayvytr:smart-adapter:0.3.2"
implementation "com.ayvytr:smart-adapter-androidx:0.3.2"
- 0.3.3 支持mavenCentral
- 0.3.2 增加bind方法position参数,方便点击监听获取position
- 0.3.1 SmartAdapter.update()新增参数isAppend,isAppendToHead,支持下拉刷新和加载更多共用一个方法
- 0.3.0
- 废弃了RecyclerView.bind方法,因为只适用于RecyclerView。ViewPager2也使用了RecyclerView.Adapter
- 增加smart方法创建SmartAdapter,调用简单,不再只适用RecyclerView
- 0.2.2 增加SmartDiffCallback默认实现
val smartAdapter = smart(list, R.layout.item, {it,_->
item_text.text = it.value
}) {}
val smartAdapter = smart{
items = list
//设置一个item view,包括layout id, item view type, view数据绑定方法
itemViewOf = SmartContainer(R.layout.item, 0) {it,_->
item_text.text = it.value
//设置多个item view,和itemViewOf不冲突,但是要注意item view type不能重复
multiItemViewOf = listOf(SmartContainer(R.layout.item_type2, 1) {it,_->
val tv = findViewById<TextView>(R.id.tv2)
tv.text = it.value
// item_text.text = it.value
}, SmartContainer(R.layout.item_type3, 2) {it,_->
tv3.text = it.value
// item_text.text = it.value
//获取当前item的view type
type = { it.type }
//通过item和position,获取当前item的view type,和type二选一即可
// typePosition = { it, _ -> it.type }
itemClick = { it, position ->
toast("clicked: $it $position")
itemLongClick = { it, position ->
toast("long clicked: $it $position")
//设置Diff callback,内部包装了DiffUtil.DiffCallback,设置了之后不用再操心调用DiffUtil.calculateDiff了
recycler_view.adapter = smartAdapter
recycler_view.bind(list, R.layout.item, 1) { item: Item ->
item_text.text = item.value
recycler_view.bind(list, R.layout.item, 1) { item: Item ->
item_text.text = item.value
//anther item view
.map(R.layout.item_second, 2) { item: Item ->
item_second_text.text = item.value
.map(R.layout.item_custom, 3) { item: Item ->
item_custom_text.text = item.value
//add custom diff util
// .diff({ oldItem, newItem -> oldItem.type == newItem.type },
// { oldItem, newItem -> oldItem.value == newItem.value },
// { oldItem, newItem ->
// if (oldItem.value != newItem.value) {
// newItem
// } else null
// },
// { holder, item, payloads -> holder.bind(item) })
//another way to add custom diff util
//how to get item type from your item.
.type { it.type }
//item click listener
.click { item: Item, i: Int ->
toast("clicked $i $item")
//item long click listener
.longClick { item: Item, i: Int ->
toast("long clicked $i $item")
//real method to create adapter
class Diff : SmartDiffCallback<Item>({ oldItem, newItem -> oldItem === newItem },
{ oldItem, newItem -> oldItem === newItem && oldItem.value == newItem.value },
{ item: Item, item1: Item -> },
{ param: Any, item: Item, mutableList: MutableList<Any> -> }
class BindMap4 : SmartContainer<Item>(R.layout.item_4, 4, { item_text_4.text = it.value }) {