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This is the Bitte Wallet SDK package.

check our React integration

Installation and Usage

The easiest way to use this package is to install it from the NPM registry,

# Using Yarn
yarn add @bitte-ai/wallet

# Using NPM.
npm install  @bitte-ai/wallet

# Using PNPM.
pnpm  install  @bitte-ai/wallet

Then use it in your dApp:

import { setupWalletSelector } from "@near-wallet-selector/core";

import { setupBitteWallet } from "@bitte-ai/wallet";

const wallet = setupBitteWallet({
	network:  'mainnet',

const  selector = await  setupWalletSelector({
	network:  "mainnet",
	modules: [wallet],


  • network: Near Networks

  • walletUrl: valid wallet urls


Client-side only:

The wallet runs only on client-side.

Any other questions or issues you can contact support on our Telegram Channel.


This repository is distributed under the terms of both the MIT license and the Apache License (Version 2.0).