Prototype application to allow creation of study groups within a given Meetup group.
This application isn't functional yet. If you want to help, the sketch of how it should work is on the wiki: StudyGroup Sketch. There are also a few issues describing work that needs to be done.
Study Group uses OAuth authentication with, so you will need to configure to be able to perform that authentication. You will run your development machine so that it pretends to be "":
Go to, and click "OAuth Consumers".
Create a new consumer, with these details:
Consumer Name: Boston Python Study Groups (Dev) Redirect URI: http://localhost:8080/
Create a alongside, with details from the OAuth consumer you just created:
MEETUP_GROUP_ID = 469457 # Boston Python, use this exactly. MEETUP_OAUTH_KEY = "esgls3vaf5k7d9ufrvj0jtuvo0" # Fill in with your own key MEETUP_OAUTH_SECRET = "mgi9mlaagc24o8a3f4hcvu0mb0" # .. and secret. SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = "sqlite:////tmp/studygroup.db"
Create the database tables:
$ python db upgrade
Start the server:
$ python -p 8080
Visit the page in your browser using the URL http://localhost:8080. You should see the Study Group page, and your server window should show URLs being served.
If you click the # Now button, it should take you to and ask you to authorize Boston Python Study Groups.
Tests are run with unittest in the standard library:
$ python -m unittest discover