The To-Do List App is an application built on Node.js, Express, MongoDB, and the EJS templating engine, with the aim of assisting users in effectively organizing their tasks.
Before running this project, make sure you have the following installed:
Node.js: Download and Install Node.js
MongoDB: Download and Install MongoDB
Follow these steps to set up the application:
Open Powershell/Terminal and Clone the repository to your local machine:
git clone
Navigate to the project directory:
cd ToDo
Install the required dependencies:
npm install
Install additional packages:
npm install mongoose lodash
To run the To-Do List App, perform the following actions:
Open a new PowerShell window.
Start the MongoDB:
Open another PowerShell window.
Launch the MongoDB shell:
Open another PowerShell window and Navigate to the project directory:
cd ToDo
Start the application using nodemon:
nodemon .\app.js
Open a web browser and navigate to localhost:3000 to access the application. Use localhost:3000/work and whatever you want to create new todo list.
Home Page (http://localhost:3000): This is the default page that shows the "Today" list. You can add new items to the list by typing in the input field and clicking the "+" button.
Custom Lists: You can create custom lists by adding a name in the URL (e.g., http://localhost:3000/work). You can then add items to the custom list and access it using the specified name.
Deleting Items: To delete an item, click on the checkbox next to the item. It will be marked as completed and automatically removed from the list.
About Page (http://localhost:3000/about): This page provides information about the To-Do List application.
The project structure is as follows:
The main entry point of the application. It configures the server, sets up the routes, and connects to the database.Models: "app.js" contains the Mongoose models for the database schema.
The model for individual to-do list items.List:
The model for the custom lists.
This directory contains static files such as CSS stylesheets.styles.css:
This file contains the CSS stylesheets for the application.
This directory contains the EJS templates used to render the HTML pages.-
The header template that is included in other EJS files. -
The footer template that is included in other EJS files. -
The template for the to-do list page. -
The template for the about page.
This project was developed utilizing Node.js, Express, MongoDB, and the EJS templating engine.
We extend our sincere appreciation to the creators and contributors of these technologies for their significant contributions.
Furthermore, I wish to convey my thanks to my instructor, Angela Yu, for her invaluable guidance and unwavering support throughout the project's development.
- LinkedIn Profile: Chiranjeevi Karanki