The deployment files for YouCanBenefit.
To deploy this Helm chart, first ensure the K8s cluster you want to deploy to has Tiller running in it. Next clone this repository to your local system. From the root, run:
helm install ./youcanbenefit-chart --set frontend.service.type=LoadBalancer
This will create an instance of YouCanBenefit that is exposed by the load balancer.
Look in ./youcanbenefit-chart/values.yaml
for values you can override.
YouCanBenefit should be deployed with an admin account. By default, the user is simply user and the password is password. This must be updated for use in a production scenario. To deploy YCB with a different username and account, run:
helm install ./youcanbenefit-chart --set frontend.service.type=LoadBalancer,admin.username=newUser,admin.password=newPassword
Please ensure you change both the username and the password from that example.
For this example, we're going to switch to using Helm's file overriding syntax rather than passing values on the command line.
We're going to use a self-signed certifcate for Please use a proper cert in production.
openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout /tmp/tls.key -out /tmp/tls.crt -subj "/"
You should now have a temporary key and certificate. We will save this in a K8s Secret:
kubectl create secret tls foo-secret --key /tmp/tls.key --cert /tmp/tls.crt
We're using to loopback to our machine. Now install like this:
helm install ycb-test -f ./youcanbenefit-chart/_example.yaml ./youcanbenefit-chart/
This chart repository is hosted with GitHub Pages. To add it to your list of Helm repositories, run
helm repo add youcanbenefit
Run the following:
cd helm/
helm package ../youcanbenefit-chart/
helm repo index .
Make sure to commit the new helm chart to GitHub.