- Node.js (v18.0.0 or higher)
- Visual Studio
- Xamarin
- Android SDK (API Level 32 - Android 12L)
Add MSBuild to your PATH environment variable. You can find the path to MSBuild in Visual Studio Installer.
This project uses computerelite utils, you need to clone them next to this project.
git clone https://github.com/ComputerElite/ComputerUtils.git
It will create a folder next to this project called ComputerUtils
cd frontend/
npm install
npm run build
msbuild /t:PackageForAndroid /t:SignAndroidPackage /p:Configuration=Debug
The apk will be located at QuestAppVersionSwitcher\bin\Debug\com.ComputerElite.questappversionswitcher-Signed.apk
msbuild /t:PackageForAndroid /t:SignAndroidPackage /p:Configuration=Release
The apk will be located at QuestAppVersionSwitcher\bin\Debug\com.ComputerElite.questappversionswitcher-Signed.apk
Frontend development is done on the port 3000, for it we need to forward the port from the android emulator to the host machine. Run following commands in the terminal to forward needed ports: We are not using the ports 50002 and 50003 on the host machine because windows uses it sometimes and it fails to forward it.
# Forward web app port
adb forward tcp:50002 tcp:50002
# Forward websocket port (for the development version)
adb forward tcp:50003 tcp:50003
You might have this port already in use or you might need to change the dynamic port range on windows.
If you are having trouble forwarding ports and nothing is using them, try running the following commands as administrator and reboot:
netsh int ipv4 set dynamic tcp start=51152 num=14384
netsh int ipv6 set dynamic tcp start=51152 num=14384
These commands will set the dynamic port range to 51152-65535. This should fix the issue. Windows uses ports 50002 and 50003 sometimes, for hyper-v and other stuff. This is why we need to change the dynamic port range to free the ports.