A tool to automatically connect to NJUPT CHINANET
Whenever I open the computer, I always have no choice but to wait the wifi be turned on, then to wait the Captive Portal to be activated, then I need to enter my username and password in the popup window. Once the Opening Process became more frequent, such operations seem to be tedious. Recently, I've learned the way to use Request package to send post request, so I have a try, using this method to go through portal authentication. It really worked ! Now I have configure the shell to be activated whenever I unlock the screen on my windows pc. So far so good! 每次打开电脑,都得等待联网,并等待强制认证门户的窗口跳出,然后我输入用户名和密码才能连接校园电信网,如此一来,开关机次数多了,这样的操作就显得繁琐,最近学习了利用request库发送post请求的方法,于是进行了一次尝试,结果很成功,现在我将这个脚本作为win10系统的解锁自启动脚本,每次解锁都自动联网,非常方便
Just Download and Unzip the repo!
- download this project
- open the .py file, and replace the cfg with [] in the code
username = '[username]' password = '[pwd]'
- then save the change
- then install the required packages
pip3 install -r requirement.txt
- then create an new .txt file in your computer, and enter:
python3 /[absolute path to the file]/#chinanet.py
- save and quit, and change .txt into .bat
- find the startup folder in your computer, something like this:
C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
- then move the .bat file into this folder, if failed, store it in another foler, then create a shorcut of it, then move the shortcut into the folder above like.
- then restart the pc, you'll see the net is connected automatically.
- download this project
- open the .py file, and replace the cfg with [] in the code
username = '[username]' password = '[pwd]'
- then save the change
- then install the required packages
pip3 install -r requirement.txt
- then create an new .sh file in your computer, and enter:
#!/bin/bash python3 /[absolute path to the file]/#chinanet.py
- move the shell into /etc/init.d
- then add the shell to run-upon-startup
update-rc.d [shell name] defaults
- then restart the pc, you'll see the net is connected automatically.
2020/10/10: Just have finished the njupt-chinanet connector for pc(both linux and windows)
2020/10/11: Fix the problem of cannot set proxy to 'auto' on linux
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