For a new and improved version, see
Python PID Tuner using OPC-UA
Windows Exe (no install required) ->
To install use:
pip install pytuneOPC
PID tuning in 4 Steps:
A-> Record PRC using Logger
B-> Tune using PID Tuner
C-> Refine tune using PID Simulator
D-> Test tune with FOPDT Simulator for PLC using OPC-UA
Create a launch file:
examplelaunch.pyw #use pyw for no console
PID Logger
To launch use:
from pytuneOPC.pidlogger import plclogger
Stage 1 - PID Tuner based on a CSV file of a Process Reaction Curve (PRC)
Notes and Limitations:
Assumes CV and PV data stored at 1 second intervals.
Assumes there is a single step in CV.
Ambient is calculated as an average of the PV prior to the step change.
Doesn't work correctly with a ramp in CV or with multiple CV steps.
The PID tuning values are calculated for a PV with a standard range span of 100 in engineering units (e.g. 0-100 deg C or 50-150 deg F).
If the range of the PV has a different span the PID tuning values may need to be rescaled, depending on manufacturer:Example 1: PV range of 200-400 deg C -> PID Gains x2 Example 2: PV range of 75-100 deg C -> PID Gains x0.25
To launch use:
from pytuneOPC.stage1 import csvtuner
Direct Acting:
Reverse Acting:
Stage 2 - Open loop tune
Premium Feature -
Stage 3 - Closed loop tune
Premium Feature -
Stage 4 - Adaptive tuner
Premium Feature -
PID Simulator
Direct Acting:
To launch use:
from pytuneOPC.simulate import simulator
FOPDT Process Simulator (PID Simulator) for PLC using OPC-UA
Simulates a Process:
To launch use:
from pytuneOPC.plcpidsim import plcsim
Windows Exe: