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- downwithup.github.io
- @DownWithUpSec
ALPC-Example Public
An example of a client and server using Windows' ALPC functions to send and receive data.
mkit Public
Simple file hiding kernel rootkit for Linux v6
WarbirdExamples Public
An example of how to use Microsoft Windows Warbird technology
HyperCalc Public
An Intel HAXM powered, protected mode, 32 bit, hypervisor addition calculator, written in Rust.
SystemsWork Public
A repo containing examples relating to various aspects of Windows internals and processor features
KLoad Public
A simple command line utility to quickly load and unload Windows drivers
KLoad_C Public archive
A simple command line utility to quickly load and unload Windows drivers
WhoCalls_C Public archive
WhoCalls can query a directory of files, find the binaries, and search for a user specified Win API import. It and works with both 32-bit (PE) and 64-bit (PE32+) file formats (.exe, .dll, .sys)
WhoCalls Public
A program which can query a directory of files, find the binaries, and search for a specified Win API import.
WHPHook Public
Simple DLL and client app that work together to hook all the functions in WinHvPlatform.dll in order to provide logging and introspection at the hypervisor level
speakeasy Public
Forked from mandiant/speakeasyWindows kernel and user mode emulation.
windbg2ida Public
Forked from SinaKarvandi/windbg2idaWindbg2ida lets you dump each step in Windbg then shows these steps in IDA
CallMon Public
CallMon is an experimental system call monitoring tool that works on Windows 10 versions 2004+ using PsAltSystemCallHandlers
CVE-Stockpile Public
Master list of all my vulnerability discoveries. Mostly 3rd party kernel drivers.
bswap Public
A Windbg extension for swapping byte endianness.
DynamicKernelShellcode Public
An example of how x64 kernel shellcode can dynamically find and use APIs
FakeDriverPoC Public
This is a PoC driver which creates a fake driver and device object with the intent on allowing a user mode program to communicate with a "fake" driver and device.
SHA-ME Public
A pure WinAPI program that demonstrates translating a file into a SHA-256 hash. Designed to be used as a utility.
Spoof-Task-Manager Public
An example showing how a mutex can stop taskmgr.exe from loading
WinPools Public
WinPools is an example of how Windows kernel big pool addresses can be leaking using NtQuerySystemInformation
The-Good-Bad-Code Public
Pushing the limits of bad programming practices. Abusing APIs. Destroying utility programs.
Driver-Easy-Research Public
Python scripts for manipulating Driver Easy's servers
CVE-2018-16712 Public
PoC Code for CVE-2018-16712 (exploit by MmMapIoSpace)
CVE-2018-18714 Public
PoC Code for CVE-2018-18714 (exploit by stack overflow)
CVE-2018-18026 Public
PoC Code for CVE-2018-18026 (exploit by stack overflow)
CVE-2018-16713 Public
PoC code for CVE-2018-16713 (exploit by rdmsr)