Based off, this image contain latest runtime of various language and framework including: dotnet, java, python, and php. Ideal base image for hosting panels.
For convienience, sshd is enabled by default; just don't expose docker port 22 if you don't want to use sshd.
- pecl install latest v8js for php7.0+
- pecl install pcs and couchbase for couchdb
- imagemagick lib for php-imagick support
- composer
- oracle-java8-sdk
- nodejs 8.x
- .NET CORE required libraries
- php
- mariadb 10.2
- mongodb 3.6
- couchbase and couchdb
- java
1.0.4 - remove support of v8js for php-5.6 due to deprecation of older v8 - phpv8/v8js#345. Upgrade from 3.4 to 3.6 for mongodb.