A application designed for efficient vaccine registration, scheduling, and status management. The system focuses on automation, offering features like user scheduling based on vaccine center capacities, real-time notifications, and an intuitive admin panel for easy record management.
- User Registration: Register users and track their vaccine registration statuses.
- Vaccine Center Management: Assign users to centers and track schedules.
- Automated Scheduling: Automatically schedule users daily, respecting center limits and skipping weekends.
- Notifications: Notify users about their schedules via email.
- Admin Panel: Filter and manage records through a user-friendly interface powered by FilamentPHP.
Follow these instructions to set up the project.
Clone the repository:
git clone "git@github.com:Fabdoc27/Vacshild.git"
Navigate to the project directory:
cd "Vacshild"
Install PHP dependencies:
composer install
Install Node.js dependencies:
npm install
Create the environment file:
cp .env.example .env
Generate the application key:
php artisan key:generate
Run database migrations:
php artisan migrate
Seed the database:
php artisan db:seed
Start the local development server:
php artisan serve
Compile front-end assets:
npm run dev
Start the queue worker:
php artisan queue:work
Run the scheduler manually (for local development):
php artisan schedule:work