wc-payment is a web component built with Stencil that allows you to use the Payment Request API.
To try this component:
git clone git@github.com:Fdom92/stencil-payment.git
cd my-app
git remote rm origin
and run:
npm install
npm start
- Put
<script src='https://unpkg.com/stencil-payment@latest/dist/payment.js'></script>
in the head of your index.html - Then you can use the element like this:
- Run
npm install stencil-payment --save
- Put a script tag similar to this
<script src='node_modules/stencil-payment/dist/payment.js></script>
in the head of your index.html - Then you can use the element like this:
- Run
npm install stencil-payment --save
- Add
{ name: 'stencil-payment' }
to your collections - Then you can use the element like this:
You need to pass the list of payment methods:
var methodData = [
supportedMethods: ["visa", "mastercard"]
At the moment payment api only accept this cards:
- amex
- diners
- discover
- jcb
- maestro
- mastercard
- unionpay
- visa
You need to pass the details of the transaction, an object with displayItems and the total object with the final value:
var details = {
displayItems: [
label: "Original donation amount",
amount: { currency: "USD", value : "65.00" }, // US$65.00
label: "Friends and family discount",
amount: { currency: "USD", value : "-10.00" }, // -US$10.00
pending: true // The price is not determined yet
total: {
label: "Total",
amount: { currency: "USD", value : "55.00" }, // US$55.00
You can also get the email address, phone number or name of a user when configuring the options object:
var options = {
requestShipping: true,
requestPayerEmail: true,
requestPayerPhone: true,
requestPayerName: true
You can listen to this event to know when the payment was unsucessfull:
element = document.querySelector('wc-payment');
element.addEventListener("paymentFailed", () => {});
You can listen to this event to know when the payment was sucessfull:
element = document.querySelector('wc-payment');
element.addEventListener("paymentSucceeded", () => {});
You can show the payment request anytime with the show
method like this:
element = document.querySelector('wc-payment');
This way you can bind this function to your own pay button or wherever you want.
You can abort the transaction with the abort
method anytime due to some error.
element = document.querySelector('wc-payment');