This is an open source minesweeper game developed as a simple use case for WPF and MVVM. The game binaries can both be found at the releases page and
Currently, this application is divided in the following projects:
Contains some core game logic, such as creating the cells/mines for the player. This was created using .NET Standard 2.0. This project is cross-platform.
For data persistency, the core uses ReflectXMLDB, an XML-based database library written by the same author of this project.
Produces a WPF GUI application written with .NET Core 3.1. This makes use of the excellent MVVMLight, a cross-platform MVVM toolkit. This project is Windows-only.
- Visual Studio 2019 Community or higher
- .NET Core 3.1+ or higher
If you are only looking to play the game, make sure to have the runtime of .NET Core 3.1 (or higher) installed on your machine.
- Select "Game" in the menu strip, then "New". Select the size of the game grid and click "Play".
- Click the cells inside the window. Once a cell is clicked, it will reveal the number of adjacent cells that contain mines.
- Avoid all mines to win the game.
Licensed under the MIT License.