With the help of this library , handling fragment will be Piece of cake for you. This library helps you to keeps history of previous tabs so that when the current tab's stack is exhausted the system back button will navigate to the previously selected tab. If you want to switch between fragments with botttomnavigation view, without losing fragments state and along with if you want to maintain backstack of fragments. Then this library is for you.
**Note:-This example handles backstack and even app restores when after killed by Android System, all backstacks are preserved.
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Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
Step 2. Add the dependency
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.GitEliteNovice:BackStack_BottomNavigation:v1.01'
Step 2. Add the dependency
Make instance of Library like this
fragmentStackNew= com.aryan.bottomnavlibrary.FragmentStackNew.Builder()
.bottomMaxCount(3) // bottom tabs you have
.conatiner_id(R.id.frag_container) // container id when you want add fragments
.lastFragmentToStay(HomeFragment::class.java). // last fragment to reach when all fragment removed from backstack
fragmentStackNew.updateFrag(HomeFragment::class.java,null). // add fragment to show
If you want to send extra data to fragment, you can do something like this
bundle= Bundle()
fragmentStackNew.updateFrag(HomeFragment::class.java,bundle). // send extra data to fragment
If you want to handle state even when the activity kills by andoid os
override fun onSaveInstanceState(outState: Bundle) {
var outStatenew= fragmentStackNew.setOutstatebundle(outState). // add oustate bundle to library instance
Inside onCreate method, do something like this
if (savedInstanceState==null){
fragmentStackNew= com.aryan.bottomnavlibrary.FragmentStackNew.Builder()
fragmentStackNew= com.aryan.bottomnavlibrary.FragmentStackNew.Builder()
- BottomNavLibrary
- BottomNavigationView
Android library to keeps a history of previous tabs
Built with ❤︎ by Aryan Dhankar.
Aryan Dhankar (Elite Novice) I love making new friends, please feel free to connect with me.

Please feel free to ping me at aryandhankar11@gmail.com.