Install Node.js and ensure that the npm
command is available to your command line, for example by running npm --version
This project is built with:
- Vue 3 (Composition API) to build composable and reusable UI components.
- TypeScript for static type checking.
- Vite for assembling the web page and have live previews during development.
VSCode with the Volar, ESLint and Prettier extensions.
Clone the repository and cd
into its root directory.
git clone
cd stratis
Then, install missing dependencies.
npm install
npm run dev
Follow the instructions on your terminal. It should provide a localhost
link to preview the web application.
npm run build
The output should be placed under a dist
directory (newly created if it was not there previously).
Run Unit Tests with Vitest
npm run test:unit
Lint with ESLint
npm run lint