A BlockGame client mod I made with the purpose of learning java and playing in LiveOverflow's server. Mod idea inspired by LiveOverflow.
1.1.8 - Code cleanup and some improvements
1.1.7 - Changed some features to improve the look, soon more updates!!!
1.1.5 - Fixed many issues, implemented kaihack's bypass, improved xray
1.1.4 - Added watermark, coordinates, server... while in game
1.1.3 - Added some chat commands, fixed flight anti kick
1.1.2 - Added some new features, NightVision, Flight
1.1.1 - Fixed issue with .gitignore file ignoring gradle-wrapper.jar
1.1.0 - Nothing new yet just Fabric Example Mod
+ Working Features
β’ NativeUi - Minecraft Native ui to interact with the features.
β’ LiveOverflow Mode - Enables some features to properly play in LiveOverflow's server .
β’ NightVision - aka Fulbright.
β’ Flight - Flight like a bird, AntiKick and NoFall together.
β’ XRay - Simple based xRay mod.
β’ Chat Commands:
- fufuhelp: little help, with the description of each command.
- fakegamemode, Change your gamemode clientside.
- teleport, Teleport to close coordinates.
- hud, toggles in game items while i make each item toggle.
toggle: enables/disables the hud
coords: enables/disables the coordinates in the hud
ip: enables/disables the IP in the hud. Hoping to not leak the server ip again :D
watermak: enables/disables the coolest watermark ever.
- To Do
gradlew genIdeaWorkspace
gradlew genSources eclipse
Other IDE's
Use this link for more information.
gradlew build
ViaFabric is the mod I recommend you, to be able to connect to different versions from 1.19.2.
This project is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0.
+ You are free to:
β’ Share: Copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format.
β’ Adapt: Remix, transform, and build upon the material.
+ Under the following terms:
β’ Attribution: You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to original the source repository, and indicate if changes were made.
β’ Non-Commercial: You may not use the material for commercial purposes.
- You are not allowed to:
β’ Sell: This license forbids selling original or modified material for commercial purposes.
β’ Sublicense: This license forbids sublicensing original or modified material.
The content of this project is Β©οΈ by IMXNOOBX and the respective contributors. See the LICENSE.md file for details.