🌱 I’m currently learning Game Development
💬 Ask me about Neural Networks, AI, ML
📫 How to reach me jj.joshijai@gmail.com
⚡ Fun fact I do card magic
🌐 My personal website https://jai-joshi.netlify.app
🌱 I’m currently learning Game Development
💬 Ask me about Neural Networks, AI, ML
📫 How to reach me jj.joshijai@gmail.com
⚡ Fun fact I do card magic
🌐 My personal website https://jai-joshi.netlify.app
An npm package for advanced sign-in security, including AI-based risk assessment, anomaly detection, real-time PostgreSQL database, automated user management and MFA. Compatible with React, Vue, an…
Python 1
A platform developed with Cash App to help ML engineers detect and visualize biases in models using Fairlearn. Features include a collaborative and interactive dashboard (React, Chart.js), a Flask …
A customizable chess game which allows you to play human vs human, computer vs human and computer vs computer. The computer AI is implemented through the MiniMax algorithm and enhanced with Alpha-B…
An android app to easily organize meetups with friends with real-time chat, authentication, custom profiles and meetup management. Created using Kotlin & XML, integrated with Firebase Realtime Data…
Kotlin 1
A fully implemented Rubik's Cube that allows you to make all possible moves with the functionality of solving the Rubik's Cube using the IDA* algorithm and DFS.
C++ 1
A deep learning neural network (CNN) built from scratch that identifies the breed of a dog from its image. It can distinguish between 120 dog breeds. Achieved a training accuracy of ~98%