A portable, scalable web based code editor to integrate into your code learning experiences.
The goal is to make deploying your own web based code editor easier and more fun.
The Code execution backend is built off of the serverless FaaS Framework for scalability and ability to support many languages. Support for k8s is ready through faas-netes and appears to be working well.
UI Modelled after the wonderful Play-with-Moby Site and the wonderful work the guys at Play-With-Docker do to make our Docker Learning Experiences Better.
Function handling and code execution are being handled by Python processes. Python handles the STDIN of all of the function requests and then passes it to the desired language for interpretation and execution or compilation and execution.
Web site is being driven by the Flask Framework
Code editor is built from Ace Editor project.
Terminal is built from XTermJS.
The following snippet will initialize your swarm, Time2Code, FaaS and Time2code functions.
$ docker swarm init --advertise-addr eth0 && \
git clone https://github.com/JockDaRock/Time2Code && \
cd Time2Code && \
bash time2deploy.sh && \
docker service ls
If you are on your laptop navigate to and start coding.
Note: Revisiting this and revamping kubernetes deployment...
You will need to have minikube installed before you begin.
Type the following snippets will get minikube started and faas-netes loaded into the kube cluster.
$ git clone https://github.com/JockDaRock/Time2Code
$ minikube start
or $ minikube start --vm-driver=xhyve
Then run the following bash script to load FaaS and Time2Code...
`$ bash ./minikube.sh'
Once the script is complete it will provide you with the url, like this, to reach the Time2Code web editor. BEFORE you start using it, you will need to deploy the code execution functions after the FaaS services have started. It might take a minute or two for all of the necessary Kube pods to be Running. Keep checking the pods with kubectl get pods
To deploy the functions use the following command in your terminal.
$ faas-cli -action deploy -f ./time2code-faas-cli-minikube.yml
Once the kube pods for the code execution are running you can get to coding :)!
Time2Code: Functions as Service and Code as a Function
More to come...
Python, Golang, Powershell, NodeJS, ... more coming very soon.
Currently working on... I am currently working C# code execution. Most of my tests are running well, but need to iron out some necessary dependencies and other issues.
- Python
- Golang
- NodeJS
- Powershell (WIP)
- C# (WIP)
- Fortran
Currently in progress:
Adding markdown and instruction functionality to accompany code execution. - check and check
Add language dependency builder for code execution functions.
Kubernetes Support - check and check
Time2Code is written mostly in HTML and Javascript on the FrontEnd, Python and Flask to handle the WebIDE pages, and Python on the backend to handle code language execution on the OpenFaaS framework. This project is MIT licensed - contributions are welcomed whether that means providing feedback, testing existing and new features or hacking on the source. This project is still in early stages so I need people to generally try functionality and provide feedback. I need help building new code execution handlers for different languages or suggestions for languages to add. I also need help reducing the image sizes for the Microsoft languages handlers (Powershell and C#).