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The Rexx Parser

The Rexx Parser documentation is hosted on:

The copy at uses the Rexx Highlighter to display Rexx programs, while the copy at uses the (limited) highlighting provided by GitHub.

/* This is a sample Rexx code fragment, numbered, starting at line 93.         */
/* It shows many of the features of the Rexx Parser.                           */

 * This is a doc-comment, a special form of comment, similar to JavaDoc.
 * It must appear immediately before a directive or a callable label.
::Method myMethod Package Protected     -- Bold, underline, italic
  Expose x pos stem.

  len = Length( Stem.12.2a.x.y )        -- A built-in function call
  pos = Pos( "S", "String" )            -- An internal function call
  Call External pos, len, .True, 12     -- An external function call
  .environment~test.2.x = test.2.x      -- Method call, compound variable...
  Exit .test.2.x                        -- ...and environment variable

--- When a doc-comment starts with "---", it's a _Markdown_ doc-comment.
Pos: Procedure                          -- A label
  Return "POS"( Arg(1), Arg(2) ) + 1    -- Built-in function calls

The Rexx Parser is a full Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) parser for Rexx and ooRexx written by Josep Maria Blasco <> and distributed under the Apache 2.0 license.

Current version and downloads

The current release is beta 0.2, released on 20250215. Daily builds can be found at


You may be interested in browsing our documentation. In particular, you may want to use one the following quick links:

Child projects

The Rexx Highlighter

The Rexx Highlighter is a child project of the Rexx Parser. Developed around a common code base, it will include output drivers for HTML, ANSI Terminals, and LaTeX.