The Rexx Parser documentation is hosted on:
- (daily builds and releases).
- (releases only).
The copy at uses the Rexx Highlighter to display Rexx programs, while the copy at uses the (limited) highlighting provided by GitHub.
/* This is a sample Rexx code fragment, numbered, starting at line 93. */
/* It shows many of the features of the Rexx Parser. */
* This is a doc-comment, a special form of comment, similar to JavaDoc.
* It must appear immediately before a directive or a callable label.
::Method myMethod Package Protected -- Bold, underline, italic
Expose x pos stem.
len = Length( Stem.12.2a.x.y ) -- A built-in function call
pos = Pos( "S", "String" ) -- An internal function call
Call External pos, len, .True, 12 -- An external function call
.environment~test.2.x = test.2.x -- Method call, compound variable...
Exit .test.2.x -- ...and environment variable
--- When a doc-comment starts with "---", it's a _Markdown_ doc-comment.
Pos: Procedure -- A label
Return "POS"( Arg(1), Arg(2) ) + 1 -- Built-in function calls
The Rexx Parser is a full Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) parser for Rexx and ooRexx written by Josep Maria Blasco <> and distributed under the Apache 2.0 license.
The current release is beta 0.2, released on 20250215. Daily builds can be found at
- Download the latest release here.
- Download the latest daily build here.
- Version history.
- Next releases.
You may be interested in browsing our documentation. In particular, you may want to use one the following quick links:
The Rexx Highlighter is a child project of the Rexx Parser. Developed around a common code base, it will include output drivers for HTML, ANSI Terminals, and LaTeX.
- Features common to all highlighters.
- Variants: