This is my personal collection of AoC solutions.
Each year, I like to teach myself something new so these solutions are really my exploration into a new language and probably aren't the most optimal way to do something.
This year, everything was written in Bash cause um, I wanted to. I actually started really late, like on the 16th day so the goal was to get at least 1 star for all 25 days. That is why there are no Part 2 solutions (yet).
Takeaway: I'd say that programming in Bash makes you think about how you write code in an entirely different way. All of the variables are really just a string and you have to pipe commands into other ones which can lead to some pretty mind bending oneliners. Because the language is so different, I have only have a general idea how optimal a solution is; everything still feels a bit like a black box (probably because I am just calling commands written by other smart people).