Nature, Pure | 原质,纯粹
- Introduction 介绍
- Demo 演示
- Download 下载
- Docs 文档
- Contributing 贡献
- License 许可证
- Changelog 更新日志
- Support 支持
- Render 渲染
An elegant, Pure & Material Design Theme for Hexo.
优雅、纯粹、质感的 Hexo 主题。
Should be the most stable. Recommended for most users.
Maybe unstable, but includes latest features. Recommended for developers.
You can decide which version to use. May no longer provide support.
You can using git to choose which branch you want. For developer only.
cd themes
git clone material
cd material
git checkout {branch/tags name}
ATTENTION! As the theme is developing, the theme config template will changes. To avoid conflict for users who are using
git pull
to upgrade the theme, we save the theme config template as_config.template.yml
. You should make a copy of it and rename to_config.yml
, then configure_config.yml
when using the theme.
注意! 在主题的开发迭代过程中,主题的配置文件模板 可能会改动。为了避免使用git pull
更新主题的用户出现冲突,我们将 主题配置文件模板 命名为_config.template.yml
All kinds of contributions (enhancements, new features, documentation & code improvements, issues & bugs reporting) are welcome.
Before you start your contributing, please read the Contributing Rules Wiki first.
欢迎各种形式的贡献,包括但不限于优化,添加功能,文档 & 代码的改进,问题和 bugs 的报告。期待你的 Pull Request
在参与贡献之前,请阅读项目贡献 Wiki,了解如何为 Material 主题贡献。
Open sourced under the GPL v3.0 license.
根据 GPL V3.0 许可证开源。
Proudly using BrowserStack.
BrowserStack is a cloud-based cross-browser testing tool that enables developers to test their websites across various browsers on different operating systems and mobile devices, without requiring users to install virtual machines, devices or emulators.
Thanks jsDelivr for providing MaterialCDN service.
jsDelivr – Open Source CDN. free, fast, and reliable. You can using the files from GitHub or NPM and serve them using jsDelivr.