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Compiler Principles

SSDLUT 2019 Spring Semester - Compiler Principles Total 8 Assignments

Assignment I - Simple Lexical Analyzer

1 Programming Language & IDE


JetBrain CLion

  • Be Sure to Set Your CWD (Current Working Directory) to Your Project Root Directory

2 Assignment Briefing

Process Source Code Into Token Stream

* Example

Input Source Code

  1. Type I

x := 5; if ( x > 0 ) then x := 2 * x + 1 / 3; else x := 2 / x;

  1. Type II

x:=5; if(x>0) then x:=2*x+1/3; else x:=2/x;

  1. Type III

x:=500; if(x>0) then x:=20*x+15/3; else x:=2/x;

Output Generated Token Stream

<10,x> <18,:=> <11,5> <26,;> <2,if> <27,(> <10,x> <23,>> <11,0> <28,)> <3,then> <10,x> <18,:=> <11,2> <15,*> <10,x> <13,+> <11,1> <16,/> <11,3> <26,;> <4,else> <10,x> <18,:=> <11,2> <16,/> <10,x> <26,;> <0,#>

Assignment II

1 Programming Language & Tool

Flex (The Fast Lexical Analyzer) (Linux Version)

2 Assignment Briefing

  1. Write A Lex Source Program (.l File), e.g. example.l
  2. Generate .C File Based On The Lex Source Program Using Flex
  3. Compile The C Program Into .out File or .exe File
  4. Test The Generated Simple Lexical Analyzer
  • Implement 2 Main Functions
    • Translate Your Student ID Number In The Import File --> Your Name / Nickname
    • Count ID & Chars In The Import File

* Example

Import Source File

201693072 Hello World Flex (The Fast Lexical Analyzer) Flex is a fast lexical analyser generator. It is a tool for generating programs that perform pattern-matching on text. Flex is a free (but non-GNU) implementation of the original Unix lex program. The project repository is now hosted at github: 201693072

Output Text

Karaya_12 Hello World Flex (The Fast Lexical Analyzer) Flex is a fast lexical analyser generator. It is a tool for generating programs that perform pattern-matching on text. Flex is a free (but non-GNU) implementation of the original Unix lex program. The project repository is now hosted at github: Karaya_12 Number of Lines: %d, Number of Chars: %d

3 Terminal Commands (Linux)

File Stream

example.l (Flex Source Program) --> lex.yy.c (Flex Generated C Program) --> example.out (Complied C File) --> Import Text File --> Display Final Result In CLI

$ flex example.l
$ gcc -o example lex.yy.c -lfl
$ ./example < Text.txt

Assignment III

1 Programming Language & IDE


JetBrain CLion

  • Be Sure to Set Your CWD (Current Working Directory) to Your Project Root Directory

2 Assignment Briefing

  1. Calculate The FIRST & FOLLOW Sets of Given Target Grammar

* Example

  • Using '#' Instead of 'ε', It Makes Life Easier.

Test Set I

E -> TM M -> +TM | # T -> FN N -> *FN | # F -> (E) | a


FIRST(E) = { (, a } FIRST(M) = { ε, + } FIRST(T) = { (, a } FIRST(N) = { ε, * } FIRST(F) = { (, a }


FOLLOW(E) = { $, ) } FOLLOW(M) = { $, ) } FOLLOW(T) = { $, ), + } FOLLOW(N) = { $, ), + } FOLLOW(F) = { $, ), *, + }

Test Set II

A -> BCDE B -> aBA | # C -> F | # D -> b | c | # E -> e | # F -> d | #


FIRST(A) = { ε, a, b, c, d, e } FIRST(B) = { ε, a } FIRST(C) = { ε, d } FIRST(D) = { ε, b, c } FIRST(E) = { ε, e } FIRST(F) = { ε, d }


FOLLOW(A) = { $, a, b, c, d, e } FOLLOW(B) = { $, a, b, c, d, e } FOLLOW(C) = { $, a, b, c, d, e } FOLLOW(D) = { $, a, b, c, d, e } FOLLOW(E) = { $, a, b, c, d, e } FOLLOW(F) = { $, a, b, c, d, e }

3 Assumptions

Reasonable Assumptions Make Life Easier ~~~

  1. Epsilon ε is represented by ‘#’
  2. Grammar is not left recursive
  3. Only upper case letters are Non-Terminals(NT), thus everything else is a Terminal(T)

4 Previous Issues & Current Solutions

  1. Currently Only Support Split Productions

    A -> aAb or A -> aAb | ε

    Do NOT Support

    A -> aAb | cBd or A -> aAb | cBd | ε

    You'll Have to Change Them to

    A -> aAb
    A -> cBd
    A -> ε
    • Solution - Split Function Added Before Running The Actual FIRST & FOLLOW Set Function.
  2. Currently Only Support Limited CFG Grammar Rule Types e.g. Following Grammar Not Supported

    A -> BCDE
    B -> aBA | #
    C -> F | #
    D -> b | c | #
    E -> e | #
    F -> d | #
    • Solution - A C++ STL Set Has Been Added to Stop Infinite Loop In FOLLOW Set Calculation Procedure.

Assignment IV

1 Programming Language & IDE


JetBrain CLion

  • Be Sure to Set Your CWD (Current Working Directory) to Your Project Root Directory

2 Assignment Briefing

  1. Generate LL(1) Grammar Parsing Table Based On Previous FIRST & FOLLOW Set Result
  2. Top-Down Non-Recursive Predictive Parsing
  3. Top-Down Recursive Descent Parsing

* Example

Test Set

E -> TM M -> +TM | # T -> FN N -> *FN | # F -> (E) | a


FIRST(E) = { (, a } FIRST(M) = { ε, + } FIRST(T) = { (, a } FIRST(N) = { ε, * } FIRST(F) = { (, a }


FOLLOW(E) = { $, ) } FOLLOW(M) = { $, ) } FOLLOW(T) = { $, ), + } FOLLOW(N) = { $, ), + } FOLLOW(F) = { $, ), *, + }

Parsing Table

  • Number Presents The Production Which Generates The Corresponding FIRST Set

$ ( ) * + a E / 0 / / / 0 M # / # / 1 / T / 3 / / / 3 N # / # 4 # / F / 6 / / / 7

Custom Input

a+aa$ aaa$ a**a$ (a+a$

Final LL(1) Grammar Parsing Result

E -> TM T -> FN F -> a N -> # M -> +TM T -> FN F -> a N -> *FN F -> a N -> # M -> #

Assignment V

1 Programming Language & IDE


JetBrain CLion

  • Be Sure to Set Your CWD (Current Working Directory) to Your Project Root Directory

2 Assignment Briefing

  1. Generate LR/SLR Grammar Parsing Table Based On Grammar Closure & FOLLOW Set Result
  2. Bottom-Up LR Shift / Reduce Parsing
  • Using Embedded LR Parsing Table

* Example

Test Set

E -> E+T | T T -> T*F | F F -> (E) | a


FOLLOW(E) = { $, ), + } FOLLOW(T) = { $, ), *, + } FOLLOW(F) = { $, ), *, + }

Custom Input

aa+a$ --> No Error a+a+a$ --> '+' Will be Discarded

Parsing Table, Final Result & Detailed LR Parsing Principles

Be Sure to Check Out This PDF -

Assignment VI

1 Programming Language & IDE


JetBrain CLion

  • Be Sure to Set Your CWD (Current Working Directory) to Your Project Root Directory

2 Assignment Briefing

  1. Semantic Analysis Based On Previous LR Parser
  2. Be Sure to Check Out How Semantic Rules & Actions Work First
  • Using Embedded LR Parsing Table & Semantic Rules, Actions

* Example

Test Set

E -> E+T | T T -> T*F | F F -> (E) | a


FOLLOW(E) = { $, ), + } FOLLOW(T) = { $, ), *, + } FOLLOW(F) = { $, ), *, + }

Custom Input



24.0000 (float Value)