Language : English
Simple approach to understanding Bloc Provider and SQLite as Embedded Database
- OS | Windows 11
- IDE | Android Studio - Hedgehog 2023.1.1 Patch 2
- Emu | Physical Device - Android 14, Xiaomi Redmi Note 13
- Flutter: v3.27.2 or above
- 🗒️ Add, Change, Update, and Delete multiple To-Do's locally.
- 📅 Schedule the start time of the To-Do to be performed.
- ⌚ Utilize and interact with Built-in Calendar and Alarm Apps to schedule and provide precise time reminders.
Operating System Target: Android, iOS
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UI/UX De#spired by Figma Community | Todolist app design - for frontend practice
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.