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The nrtk-jatic package is deprecated and will fail to import on 2025/05/01. All functionality has been integrated into the core nrtk package (v0.20.0) under the nrtk.interop.maite module. Please migrate to the nrtk package as soon as possible.


The nrtk-jatic package is an extension of the Natural Robustness Toolkit (NRTK) containing implementations and examples in compliance with protocols from the Modular AI Trustworthy Engineering (MAITE) library. These packages (among others) are developed under the Joint AI Test Infrastructure Capability (JATIC) program for AI Test & Evaluation (T&E) and AI Assurance.

Interoperability - Implementations and Examples

The nrtk-jatic package consists of implementations and utilities that ensure interoperability of nrtk functionality with maite. The scripts under src/nrtk_jatic/interop consist of protocol implementations that are compliant with maite's dataset and augmentation protocols. The src/nrtk_jatic/utils folder houses generic util scripts and the NRTK CLI entrypoint script. Finally, the examples folder consists of Jupyter notebooks showing end-to-end ML T&E workflows demonstrating natural robustness testing of computer vision models with nrtk, and integrations of nrtk with other JATIC tools, by using the interoperability standards provided by maite

Additional information about JATIC and its design principles can be found here.


Ensure the source tree is acquired locally before proceeding.

To install the current version via pip:

pip install nrtk-jatic[<extra1>,<extra2>,...]

Alternatively, you can use Poetry:

poetry install --with main,linting,tests,docs --extras "<extra1> <extra2> ..."

Certain plugins may require additional runtime dependencies. Details on these requirements can be found here.

For more detailed installation instructions, visit the installation documentation.

Getting Started

Explore usage examples of the nrtk-jatic package in various contexts using the Jupyter notebooks provided in the ./examples/ directory.

Contributions are encouraged! For more details, refer to the file.


Documentation for both release snapshots and the latest master branch is available on ReadTheDocs.

To build the Sphinx-based documentation locally for the latest reference:

# Install dependencies
poetry install --sync --with main,linting,tests,docs
# Navigate to the documentation root
cd docs
# Build the documentation
poetry run make html
# Open the generated documentation in your browser
firefox _build/html/index.html

Developer Tools

Pre-commit Hooks

Pre-commit hooks ensure that code complies with required linting and formatting guidelines. These hooks run automatically before commits but can also be executed manually. To bypass checks during a commit, use the --no-verify flag.

To install and use pre-commit hooks:

# Install required dependencies
poetry install --sync --with main,linting,tests,docs
# Initialize pre-commit hooks for the repository
poetry run pre-commit install
# Run pre-commit checks on all files
poetry run pre-commit run --all-files



Apache 2.0


Principal Investigator: Brian Hu (Kitware)

Product Owner: Austin Whitesell (MITRE) @awhitesell

Scrum Master / Tech Lead: Brandon RichardWebster (Kitware) @b.richardwebster

Deputy Tech Lead: Emily Veenhuis (Kitware) @emily.veenhuis