This script will make changes in the registry to change settings, add windows features (Hyper-V, WSL and Windows Sandbox (Windows Pro only)) and provide a GUI to remove windows bloatware.
- Things that might break
- Prerequistes
- Running the script
- End of setup
- Export apps
- Configure as required
- Author
- Show your support
- 📝 License
- Windows search -> alternative(powertoys run)
You can revert the changes made by this script by using system restore. Restore using the restore point named "Before windows-setup was run (date and time)"
- Update windows (select optional updates from view optional updates section)
- Powershell Set-Executionpolicy to 'RemoteSigned'.
Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
Update AppInstaller from Microsoft Store or install winget from github: Latest release.
Test winget
winget -?
- Install git for windows.
winget install --id Git.Git -e -i --accept-source-agreements --accept-package-agreements
- Partition Disks C:(Windows) 150+GB, D:(Dev) 200GB+, P:(Programs) 100GB+, G:(Games) 400GB+.
- Install most of the programs in P: drive (except the few listed below).
- Load winget and git configurations.
cd ~
git clone ""
This script is portable. Clone to any folder in your computer.
git clone
This script will launch in any powershell terimal but you need to have 'Windows Powershell' for all features
Run windows_setup.ps1 project root directory
# from the project directory
- Install Git in its default path.
- Install Microsoft powershell in its default path.
- Add MSYS2 to path. (if installed)
- Add Neovim to path. (if installed)
- Restart your pc.
- Continue setup from .dotfiles repository (additional step for me)
Run export_apps.ps1 project root directory
# from the project directory
This will generate winget_install_apps.json in PROJECT_ROOT_DIR/scripts/applications. You can edit the file to configure which checkboxes are checked when these GUI buttons are clicked - Coding(1) or KVM(0)
(Basic powershell and XML can get you far)
Run export_apps.ps1 project root directory to generate your winget_install_apps.json.
(configure all packages to 1, click the Coding button in the GUI to check mark those packages).
(configure all packages to 2, click the KVM button in the GUI to check mark those packages).
# from the project directory
- While running the script.
Select apps from appx packages from gui and Click Save to File to generate you apps_packeges_base.json and appx_provisioned_packages_base.json
Fork this repository and clone your fork. Once you make changes and push the code to your forked-repository with your configuration. You can setup your windows to your liking with few clicks.
👤 Kushal Chandar
- Github: @Kushal-Chandar
Give a ⭐️ if this project helped you!
Copyright © 2022 Kushal Chandar.
This project is MIT licensed.