Run the following command to make the dotvim effective:
curl -s | sh
Run the following command to make the dotvim effective:
git clone --recurse-submodules git:// ~/vimfiles
copy ~/vimfiles/vimrc ~/_vimrc
vim +PlugInstall +qall
- pre-requires
- powerline requires python 2.6, 2.7 or 3.0 above in your path
- if you're using gvim, make sure python/vim are matched in bit version
- I use Fira Code for displaying special characters
- how to start
- if you're a beginner, just clone it, and make it rock
- check usage for some useful shortcuts
- feel free to fork your own dotvim repository, make changes and send a pull request
- about this dotvim
- it's for text/python/perl/sql editting
- I'm using Vim Plug to manage plugins
- inspired by schnell18/dotvim