This is a header-only C++23 library for parsing, reading, and writing INI files. It provides a simple and intuitive interface to manage configuration settings within your C++ applications.
- Header-Only: Easy to integrate into your projects by simply including the header file.
- C++23 Standard: Leverages modern C++ features like
for improved error handling and formatting. - INI File Parsing: Supports standard INI file syntax with sections and key-value pairs.
- Reading Values: Provides methods to retrieve values as
, andbool
with automatic type conversion. - Optional Values: Uses
to handle cases where a requested value or section does not exist. - Default Values: Offers a convenient way to get a value or a default if it's not found.
- Setting Values: Allows you to set new values or modify existing ones.
- Creating Sections: Easily create new sections if they don't already exist.
- Removing Values and Sections: Provides functions to remove specific key-value pairs or entire sections.
- Loading from File: Reads INI data from a specified file path.
- Loading from Stream: Parses INI data from any
. - Adding from File/Stream: Merges INI data from a file or stream into an existing
object. - Writing to File: Saves the current configuration to a file.
- Writing to Stream: Outputs the configuration data to any
. - Stream Operators: Overloads
for convenient reading from and writing to streams. - FetchContent Ready: Easily integrate into CMake projects using FetchContent.
- A C++23 compliant compiler (e.g., GCC 13+, Clang 16+).
As a header-only library, ini_manager can be integrated into your projects in a few ways:
Simply include the ini_manager.hpp
header file in your C++ project and ensure the directory containing it is in your compiler's include path.
#include "ini_manager/ini_manager.hpp"
If you are using CMake as your build system, you can easily integrate ini_manager using the FetchContent module
. Add the following to your CMakeLists.txt
GIT_TAG <desired_tag_or_branch> # Optional: Specify a tag or branch
After this, you can link library to your target:
PRIVATE ini_manager::ini_manager
Now simply include the ini_manager.hpp
header file in your target source code:
#include "ini_manager/ini_manager.hpp"
Here are some examples of how to use the ini_manager library:
#include "ini_manager/ini_manager.hpp"
#include <iostream>
int main() {
ini::ini_manager config;
config.set_value("Section1", "Key1", "Value1");
config.set_value("Section1", "KeyInt", 42);
auto write_result = config.write_file("example1.ini");
if (write_result.has_value()) {
std::cout << "Configuration written to example1.ini" << std::endl;
} else {
std::cerr << "Error writing: " << write_result.error().message() << std::endl;
return 0;
#include "ini_manager/ini_manager.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
int main() {
// Create a dummy INI file for this example
std::ofstream dummy_file("example2.ini");
dummy_file << "[Settings]\nOption1 = OldValue\nNumber = 100\n";
auto config_result = ini::ini_manager::from_file("example2.ini");
if (config_result.has_value()) {
auto config = config_result.value();
if (auto option = config.get_value(ini::section{"Settings"}, ini::key{"Option1"})) {
std::cout << "Option1: " << *option << std::endl;
config.set_value("Settings", "Option1", "NewValue");
config.set_value("Settings", "Number", 200);
} else {
std::cerr << "Error loading file: " << config_result.error().message() << std::endl;
return 0;
#include "ini_manager/ini_manager.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
int main() {
std::istringstream ini_stream("[Section]\nData = StreamData\nCounter = 5\n");
auto config_result = ini::ini_manager::from_stream(ini_stream);
if (config_result.has_value()) {
auto config = config_result.value();
if (auto data = config.get_value(ini::section{"Section"}, ini::key{"Data"})) {
std::cout << "Data: " << *data << std::endl;
if (auto counter = config.get_value<int>(ini::section{"Section"}, ini::key{"Counter"})) {
std::cout << "Counter: " << *counter << std::endl;
} else {
std::cerr << "Error loading from stream." << std::endl;
return 0;
#include "ini_manager/ini_manager.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
int main() {
std::istringstream ini_stream("[Section]\nValue = FromStream\n");
ini::ini_manager config;
ini_stream >> config;
std::cout << config << std::endl; // Write the loaded config to stdout
return 0;
For more detailed examples, please refer to the .cpp files provided in the example/
Simple structs to represent section
and key
names as std::string_view
: Default constructor to create an empty configuration.static auto from_file(const std::string &file_path) -> std::expected<ini_manager, std::error_code>
: Static factory function to load configuration from a file.static auto from_stream(std::istream &istream) -> std::expected<ini_manager, std::error_code>
: Static factory function to load configuration from a operator(std::string_view section) -> section_accessor
: Accessor for modifying values within a operator(std::string_view section) const -> const_section_accessor
: Accessor for reading values within a get_value(section section, key key) const noexcept -> std::optional<std::string>
: Retrieves a string value.template <typename T> auto get_value(section section, key key) const noexcept -> std::optional<T>
: Retrieves a value with automatic type get_value_or_default(section section, key key, std::string default_value) const noexcept -> std::string
: Retrieves a string value or a default if not found.template <typename T> auto get_value_or_default(section section, key key, T default_value) const noexcept -> T
: Retrieves a value with type conversion or a default if not found.template <typename T> requires std::formattable<T, char> void set_value(std::string_view section, std::string_view key, T value) noexcept
: Sets a value for a given section and key.void set_section(const std::string §ion) noexcept
: Creates a new section if it doesn't remove_value(section section, key key) noexcept -> bool
: Removes a key-value remove_section(section section) noexcept -> bool
: Removes an entire load_file(const std::string &file_path) -> std::expected<void, std::error_code>
: Loads configuration from a file, overwriting existing load_stream(std::istream &istream) -> std::expected<void, std::error_code>
: Loads configuration from a stream, overwriting existing add_from_stream(std::istream &istream) -> std::expected<void, std::error_code>
: Adds configuration data from a stream, merging with existing add_from_file(const std::string &file_path) -> std::expected<void, std::error_code>
: Adds configuration data from a file, merging with existing write_file(const std::string &file_path) const -> std::expected<void, std::error_code>
: Writes the configuration to a write_file() const -> std::expected<void, std::error_code>
: Writes the configuration to the file specified during loading (if any).friend auto operator<<(std::ostream &ostream, const ini_manager &manager) -> std::ostream &
: Writes the configuration to an output stream.friend auto operator>>(std::istream &istream, ini_manager &manager) -> std::istream &
: Reads the configuration from an input stream.
: Provides non-const access to keys within a section using operator, returning astd::string&
: Provides const access to keys within a section using operator, returning astd::optional<std::string>
For information on building, please refer to the BUILDING file.
Contributions are welcome! Please read the CONTRIBUTING file for guidelines on how to contribute to this project.
This library is licensed under the LICENSE.
Please adhere to the CODE_OF_CONDUCT when participating in this project.
For more in-depth information about the library's internals and development, please see the HACKING file.