Electron App with Angular and Material by systemjs
After download
npm install
npm start
When code changing, reloading Electron via “View ⟶ Reload” or with Cmd-R (Ctrl-R on Windows)
$ Electron Application auto update (Windows) $
Electron builder is a complete solution to package, build a ready for distribution Electron app and with “auto update” support out of the box.
For how to use electron builder: https://github.com/electron-userland/electron-builder
Surprisely I cannot find windows enviroment electron application auto update example all over on internet (today). I have built this to share with you. And below can work under windows only.
npm run dist
When complete, for installation, right click "Electron Angular Application Setup.exe" in your "dist" folder and "Run as administrator".
- Start your application hosting website(assume): Open a command prompt windows session, go to folder where package.json is and run this to start website:
npm run wb
- Package your inital version application: Open another command prompt windows session, go to folder where package.json is and run build as:
npm run dist
Copy everything under folder dist to folder wwwroot (assume this is distribution for production)
Initial installation of your electron application: right click dist/"Electron Angular Application Setup.exe" and "run as administrator" to install
Make sure installation is ok: try your electron application from desktop shortcut and make sure everything is ok and you should see no update message. Now we are going to upgrade our electron application by:
npm version patch
Rebuild and distribute upgraded election application: delete everything in folder "dist" and "wwwroot" then repeat step 2 above again, and step 1.
auto update happens: Open your electron application from desktop shortcut again and you can see new version is downloaded and upgraded.
For Electron quick start: https://electron.atom.io/docs/tutorial/quick-start/
For angular quick start, check https://angular.io or https://github.com/Longfld/AngularQuickStartForBeginning
For Angular Dynamic Router as Electron application: https://github.com/Longfld/AngularRouter4Electron