Benchmarks for MRI Reconstruction Frameworks
In order to run the benchmark suite you need to install Julia (version 1.8 or higher) and BART (version 0.7 or higher). The you need to udjust the BART path in the file configuration.jl
, e.g. we set it to
ENV["TOOLBOX_PATH"] = "/opt/software/bart-0.7.00"
Next you need to install various Julia packages. To do so, go to the root folder off this repository and call Julia with
julia --project=.
Then run the command
julia> using Pkg; Pkg.instantiate()
which will install the required packages. Finally you need to install an unregistered Julia package manually by running
julia> Pkg.add(url="")
Now, everything is in place to run the benchmark suite. Next time you startup Julia, you just need julia --project=.
since all packages are already installed.
To run the bachmark suite call
julia> include("runBenchmarks.jl")
Depending on your hardware, this can last some time (more than 10 minutes). The benchmarks will generate various images in the subfolders (e.g. benchmark1/reco/timings.svg). These image are included in the
files that you can watch by clicking on one subfolder on the GitHub web page.
The benchmark results shown on the webpage were performed on a computer with 1024 GB of main memory and an AMD EPYC 7702 CPU.