Terminal Blocks is a text-based falling-block puzzle game built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The game features a retro terminal aesthetic and multiple gameplay modes.

- Classic falling block mechanics
- Multiple game modes: Normal, Time Attack, Chaos Blitz, Hardcore
- Customizable appearance: Blocks, borders, and themes
- Difficulty settings: Easy, Normal, Hard
- Coin-based unlockable customization items
- Ghost piece preview
- High score tracking
- Pause and exit menu functionality
- W / Up Arrow - Rotate block clockwise
- Z - Rotate block counter-clockwise
- A / Left Arrow - Move block left
- D / Right Arrow - Move block right
- S / Down Arrow - Soft drop
- Spacebar - Hard drop (instantly place piece)
- P - Pause / Resume
- Esc / Q - Open exit menu
- W / S - Navigate menu options
- Enter - Select menu option
- A / D - Adjust settings in menus

- Normal: Classic falling-block gameplay.
- Time Attack: Survive and clear as many lines as possible within a time limit.
- Chaos Blitz: Blocks randomly change into different pieces mid-game.
- Hardcore: Faster speed increase and no second chances.
Earn coins by playing the game and spend them on:
- Block appearances (Neon, Pixel, Arrows, etc.)
- Border styles (Double lines, Dashed, Star, etc.)
- Themes (Default, Solarized, Monokai, Matrix, etc.)

- Open
in your browser. - Navigate the main menu using W/S and select with Enter.
- Choose a game mode and start playing!
- Try to complete full rows to score points and clear lines.
- Use customization coins to unlock new block styles and themes.
The game saves:
- High scores
- Coins earned
- Unlocked customization items
- Last used settings
Progress is stored in localStorage, so it persists across browser sessions.
Simply download or clone the repository and open index.html
in any modern browser.