This library is based on a hook that Jack Herrington has published on his YouTube channel
Making React Context FAST! Github Repository
That is the starting point, which I have been extending its functionality to take advantage of all the power of React, the idea is to simplify the code to eliminate the Drilling prop and the complexity and code base of some libraries to handle global states, it also solves React Context and useState Hell.
To install the library, use the following command:
npm i cheatmodes4
Import and Configure First, import the necessary functions from cheatmodes4:
import { CombineProviders, CreateFastContext } from 'cheatmodes4';
Define the initial state of your application. You can use interfaces or types depending on your needs.
const initialState = {
foo: 'bar',
CheatMode: 'CheatModes4',
count: 0,
array: null as number[] | null,
// otros campos que necesites
Use CreateFastContext to define the global context and destructure the providers, getters, and setters.
export const {
Provider: InitialStateProvider,
} = CreateFastContext(initialState);
If you have multiple contexts, combine them using CombineProviders.
const providers = [
export const CheatModes4GlobalContextStateManager = CombineProviders(...providers);
CheatModes4GlobalContextStateManager.displayName = 'AppGlobalContextProvider';
Finally, pass the provider to your application or component that needs to consume the context information.
<App />
<Component />
Now to use the context information we have several ways to use it This is a code base created with the Vite.ts packager but I have cleaned it and left the ways to read and set the context state properties.
import { useContextSignals, useStore } from './mainContext'
export default function App () {
const [ foo, set ] = useStore(s /* store */ =>
const { CheatMode } = useContextSignals()
return <>
onClick={() => CheatMode.set('s4')}
<img src={viteLogo} className='logo' />
onClick={() => set({ foo: 'hello' })}
<img src={reactLogo} className='logo react' />
<h2>foo: {foo}</h2>
<div className='card'>
<Counter />
<button onClick={() => set(s => ({ count: s.count - 1 }))} >Decrese</button>
export function Counter () {
const { count } = useContextSignals()
// const [ count, set ] = useContextFields(s => s.count) // another example
return <>
<button onClick={() => count.set(count.get + 1)} >
<p>count is {count.get}</p>
Has all the power of typescript to detect properties and infer types
Also the useState callback to update the state according to its previous properties
If this project has served you and liked it, and if you want to support financially to continue developing it, contact me